У раду су изнети резултати квантитативног истраживања фактора утицаја на знање и перцепцију ученика о пожару као угрожавајућој појави безбедности. Применом вишеетапног узорка, анкетирано је 3063 ученика из 13 средњих школа са подручја града Београда. Дескриптивна статистичка анализа показује да за разлику од 95,4% испитаника који истичу да знају, само 63,6% стварно зна шта је пожар. На правилан начин одреаговало би само 57,1% испитаника. Резултати инференцијалних статистичких анализа показују да на перцепцију знања ученика о пожарима статистички значајно утичу пол, образовање оца и мајке, запосленост родитеља, информисање преко телевизије, интернета и видео игрица. Са друге стране, на објективно знање о пожарима утичу пол, образовање оца и мајке, информисање преко телевизије, радија и интернета. И на крају, утврђено је да на познавање правилног начина реаговања приликом пожара статистички значајно не утичу пол и начин информисања преко телевизије док утичу године старости, образовање оца и мајке, запосленост родитеља, информисање преко интернета, видео-игрица и радија. Развијањем безбедносне културе ученика у вези пожара као угрожавајућих појава безбедности умногоме се могу ублажити последице таквих догађаја. Резултати истраживања могу бити искоришћени као полазна основа у конципирању образованих програма ученика о пожарима.
Кључне речи: безбедност, природне катастрофе, пожар, чиниоци, ученици, Србија.
This paper presents the results of quantitative research of factors influencing knowledge and perceptions of students about fire as threatening security phenomenon. Applying a multi-stage sample interviewed 3063 students from 13 secondary schools in the city of Belgrade. Descriptive statistical analysis shows that in contrast to the 95.4% of respondents who said they knew, only 63.6% really knows what is a fire. In a proper way will react only 57.1% of respondents. The results of inferential statistical analysis shows that the perception of students knowledge on fires significantly affect gender, education of father and mother, parents' employment, information via television, Internet and video games. On the other hand, the objective knowledge on fires affect gender, education of father and mother, information via television, radio and the Internet. Finally, it was found that the knowledge of proper ways to react when fire happened is not significantly affected by gender and way of information via television, but affected by age, education of father and mother, parents employment, information via Internet, video games and radio. Developing students security culture in relation fire as a threatening security phenomenon in many ways can mitigate the consequences of such events. The research results can be used as a starting point in designing the educational programs of students about fires.
Key words: security, natural disasters, fire, factors, students, Serbia.
Cvetković, V., & Gačić, J. (2017). Пожари као угрожавајућа појава безбедности: чиниоци утицаја на знање о пожарима - Fires as threatening security phenomenon: factors of influence on knowledge about fires. Paper presented at the Conference: 10th International Conference “CRISIS MANAGEMENT DAYS" - SECURITY ENVIRONMENT AND CHALLENGES OF CRISIS MANAGEMENT, At 24, 25 and 26 May 2017.
Кључне речи: безбедност, природне катастрофе, пожар, чиниоци, ученици, Србија.
This paper presents the results of quantitative research of factors influencing knowledge and perceptions of students about fire as threatening security phenomenon. Applying a multi-stage sample interviewed 3063 students from 13 secondary schools in the city of Belgrade. Descriptive statistical analysis shows that in contrast to the 95.4% of respondents who said they knew, only 63.6% really knows what is a fire. In a proper way will react only 57.1% of respondents. The results of inferential statistical analysis shows that the perception of students knowledge on fires significantly affect gender, education of father and mother, parents' employment, information via television, Internet and video games. On the other hand, the objective knowledge on fires affect gender, education of father and mother, information via television, radio and the Internet. Finally, it was found that the knowledge of proper ways to react when fire happened is not significantly affected by gender and way of information via television, but affected by age, education of father and mother, parents employment, information via Internet, video games and radio. Developing students security culture in relation fire as a threatening security phenomenon in many ways can mitigate the consequences of such events. The research results can be used as a starting point in designing the educational programs of students about fires.
Key words: security, natural disasters, fire, factors, students, Serbia.
Cvetković, V., & Gačić, J. (2017). Пожари као угрожавајућа појава безбедности: чиниоци утицаја на знање о пожарима - Fires as threatening security phenomenon: factors of influence on knowledge about fires. Paper presented at the Conference: 10th International Conference “CRISIS MANAGEMENT DAYS" - SECURITY ENVIRONMENT AND CHALLENGES OF CRISIS MANAGEMENT, At 24, 25 and 26 May 2017.
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