Saturday, March 28, 2015


Kvantitativno istraživanje je sprovedeno sa ciljem utvrđivanja percepcije i stvarnog znanja učenika srednje elektrotehničke škole u Kraljevu ,,Nikola Tesla” o prirodnim katastrofama. Tom prilikom je korišćen metod anketiranja učenika kako bi se identifikovali i opisali faktori koji imaju uticaja na znanje i percepciju učenika. Iz populacije srednje elektrotehničke škole u Kraljevu, na slučajan način, iz svake godine izabran je po određen broj ispitanika. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da izvori informacija o prirodnim katastrofama i njihovim ugrožavajućim posledicama utiču na percepciju učenika srednje škole. Istovremeno, na stvarno znanje o prirodnim katastrofama utiču predavanja, škola, televizija i internet, dok znatno manje utiču video-igre, radio i priče od članova porodice. Ispitanici bez ličnog iskustva u vezi sa ugrožavajućim posledicama prirodnih katastrofa u statistički većem procentu ne znaju da prepoznaju određene prirodne katastrofe. Iskustvo članova uže porodice ne utiče u velikoj meri na znanje o prirodnim katastrofama, sa izuzetkom oca. Imajući u vidu evidentan nedostatak obrazovanja o prirodnim katastrofama u Srbiji, rezultati istraživanja se mogu iskoristiti prilikom kreiranja strategija obrazovnih programa.

Za citiranje koristiti: Cvetković, V., & Stojković, D. (2015). Knowledge and perceptions of secondary school students in Kraljevo about natural disasters. Ecologica, 22(77), 42-49. 


Experience has shown that access to high-quality educational programs about natural disasters is of crucial importance in protecting children and their families. It was also noted that instead of considering children and women as the most vulnerable categories (victims), they can be recognized as contributors to the recovery of community assuming that they have acquired a solid knowledge on natural disasters and elimination of their consequences. Education about risk of natural disasters can be represented through special programs or through the implementation into basic curriculum. Furthermore, such education can be realized through curricular and extra-curricular activities (such as, for example, various workshops, games, etc.). Although the education of young people for the protection of life, health and the environment has its roots in the family and pre-school education, the school is irreplaceable in achieving this goal. The school is obliged to develop the knowledge, awareness and habits that prevent dangers, in fact, in its basic function it has the task to enable human, on the one hand, to rule over nature, and on the other, protection against hazards that may befall them and against his human ,, nature“  itself. It is important to have awareness that we ,, cannot escape" from danger, they can only be prevented ,that is, consequences can be prevented  by knowledge, awareness and education to automatism of habits. In addition, education for active and passive protection of self and others, physical integrity or natural properties and the environment, while creating habits and feelings of responsibility, truthfulness, humanity, justice, modesty is subject of educational influence of school education. The main findings are: respondents showed a high level of knowledge about natural disasters, however, the level is the highest in natural disasters that are present in our region; the best knowledge on safety procedures is in relation to droughts, because 98.6% of respondents indicate appropriate treatment. The lowest level of knowledge of safety procedures is registered in extreme temperatures and amounts 52.5%; of the total, 86.9% of respondents said that they had someone at school who talked about natural disasters, as opposed to 13.1% who responded negatively, 79.2% of respondents were introduced with some of the natural disaster by a family member, while 20.8% were not; 60.6% of respondents feel protected, 32.2.% are not sure and 6.9% do not feel protected in the facilities of the Academy when it comes to natural disasters; 26.4% feel the fear of natural disasters, 20.3% are not sure and 53.3% do not feel fear; 83.9% of respondents would like to undergo training, 8.9% are not sure and 7.2% do not want; the largest number of respondents gained information about natural disasters through television 92.8%, and the smallest number  through video-games 5.8%. The results indicate that there is a statistically significant correlation between: the father's education (p = 0,03≤0,05, phi = 0.30 - medium); mother's education (p = 0,04≤0,05, phi = 0.10 - small); employment of parents (p = 0,05≤0,05, phi = 0.30 - medium) and knowledge about natural disasters. Also, there is a statistically significant relationship between television and the perception of knowledge about natural disasters (p = 0,05≤0,05, phi = 0.21 - medium);

Za citiranje koristiti: Cvetković, V., Ivanov, A., & Sadiyeh, A. (2015). Knowledge and perceptions of students of the Academy of  criminalistic and police studies about natural disasters. Paper presented at the International scientific conference Archibald Reiss days, Belgrade.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Viktimizacija ljudi prirodnim katastrofama

Predmet rada je deskriptivna statistička analiza geoprostorne i vremenske distribucije viktimizacije ljudi (poginuli, povređeni, pogođeni i materijalna šteta) geofizičkim, meteorološkim, klimatskim, biološkim i hidrološkim katastrofama koje su se dogodile u svetu, od 1900. do 2013. godine. Pri tome, ljudi pogođeni raznovrsnim prirodnim katastrofama spadaju u kategoriju nevidljivih žrtvi, jer ih država i društvo ne prepoznaju kao žrtve i ne pružaju im adekvatnu zaštitu, pomoć i podršku. Statističko istraživanje je sprovedeno tako što su prvo preuzeti neobrađeni podaci iz međunarodne baze podataka o katastrofama Centra za istraživanje epidemiologije katastrofa (CRED) u Briselu, a zatim su analizirani u programu za statističku obradu podataka SPSS. U okviru vremenske analize razmatrana je distribucija posledica prirodnih katastrofa po ljude, u intervalima od po deset godina. Istom metodologijom analizirana je geoprostorna distribucija viktimizacije ljudi prirodnim katastrofama po kontinentima. Cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje geoprostorne i vremenske distribucije viktimizacije ljudi prirodnim katastrofama u svetskom geoprostoru u periodu od 1900. do 2013. godine. Rezultati istraživanja nedvosmisleno ukazuju na porast broja i ozbiljnosti posledica prirodnih katastrofa. 

U periodu od 1900. do 2013. godine dogodile su se 25552 prirodne katastrofe. Od toga, najviše je bilo hidroloških, pa meteoroloških, geofizičkih, klimatskih i bioloških katastrofa (Cvetković, Mijalković, 2013: 346).

 Najviše ljudi (23772449 ili 36,57%) je smrtno stradalo usled klimatskih katastrofa; najviše njih je povređeno (5177147 ili 34,01%) usled geofizičkih katastrofa; najviše ljudi je pogođeno (6891172180) i ostalo bez doma (185223183 ili 50,79%) usled hidroloških katastrofa. Najmanje (2766859 ili 4,26%) ljudi je poginulo zbog posledica meteoroloških katastrofa, a najmanje ljudi je povređeno (968153 ili 6,36%) i pogođeno (90325323 ili 0,67%) zbog posledica bioloških katastrofa (Tabela 1 i Grafikon 1).

Za citiranje možete koristiti sledeću referencu: Mijlković, S., & Cvetković, V. (2015). Viktimizacija ljudi prirodnim katastrofama - geoprostorna i vremenska distribucija. Temida, 4(17), 19-43.