Showing posts with label Belgrade.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Belgrade.. Show all posts

Monday, September 17, 2018

Public Risk Perspectives Regarding the Threat of Terrorism in Belgrade: Implications for Risk Management Decision-Making for Individuals, Communities and Public Authorities

Public Risk Perspectives Regarding the Threat of Terrorism in Belgrade: Implications for Risk Management Decision-Making for Individuals, Communities and Public Authorities

Vladimir M. Cvetković, Eric K. Noji, Marina Filipović, Marija Popović Mančević, Želimir Kešetović, Nenad Radović

Bearing in mind a long history of terrorist threats in Serbia, the aim of this paper is to determine the perceived risk of terrorist attacks and level of individual, communities and public authorities preparedness in Belgrade. The structured questionnaire about perceived risk of terrorist attacks and preparedness was developed using close-ended, multiple choice questions and 5-point Likert scales questions. This was coupled with a purpose-designed questionnaire related to demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the interviewees and their perception of the likelihood of terrorist attacks, preparedness and security, potential consequences, execution methods and place of the terrorist attacks. At different times of day, between June and September 2017, data were collected by means of a telephone survey using a random digit dialing procedure; 485 adult Serbian residents participated in the research with informed consent obtained from all respondents. Overall, the participants’ responses indicated a low level of likelihood of terrorist attacks taking place with a moderate perceived preparedness being in place. This was accompanied with the results of demographic and socioeconomic differences in terrorism risk perception. Based on findings that there are major differences in the public's perception of risks presented by terrorism threats, emergency management agencies should use these differences to enhance preparedness through the promotion of behavioral change and the improvement of risk management decision-making.

Keywords: terrorism, risk perception, threat, preparedness, decision-making, Belgrade.

Cvetković, V., Noji, E., Filipović, M., Marija, M. P., Želimir, K., & Nenad, R. (2018). Public Risk Perspectives Regarding the Threat of Terrorism in Belgrade: Implications for Risk Management Decision-Making for Individuals, Communities and Public Authorities. Journal of Criminal Investigation and Criminology/(4). 

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


The consequences of the floods that inundated the territory of Serbia in 2014 indicated a high level of citizen unpreparedness to respond to the situation. Starting from this fact, the basic idea of this research is to examine the level and correlation of certain factors with the students' knowledge about floods as natural disasters. The aim of the research is a scientific explanation of the correlation between students' knowledge about floods and these factors. The research consisted of a survey conducted on a sample of 3,498 respondents who make up 8.96% of the students population. The respondents were students from 19 secondary schools, out of a total of 54 at the territory of 11 affected municipalities of the city of Belgrade. The research results suggest that flood related knowledge is influenced by the students’ gender, education and employment status of parents, education acquired in school and in the family, while the knowledge of safety procedures for responding to floods is influenced by fear, gender and the educational level of parents. These results can be used in creating educational programme strategies to enhancing preparedness for response.

Key words: natural disasters, floods preparedness, secondary schools, knowledge, Belgrade.

Последице поплава које су захватиле територију Србије током 2014. године указале су на висок ниво неспремности грађана за реаговање у насталој ситуацији. Руководећи се тиме, основна идеја овог истраживања је да се испитају ниво и повезаност одређених фактора са знањем ученика о поплавама као природним катастрофама. Циљ истраживања представља научна експликација повезаности знања ученика о поплавама и споменутих фактора. Истраживање је остварено методом анкетирања, на узорку од 3498 испитаника, који чине 8,96% популације. Испитаници су ученици 19 средњих школа од укупно 54, колико их има на територији 11  угрожених општина Града Београда. Резултати истраживања указују на то да на знање о поплавама утичу пол ученика, образованост и запосленост родитеља, едукација у школи и породици, док на познавање безбедносне процедуре за реаговање приликом поплава утичу страх, пол и образованост родитеља. Наведени резултати могу се искористити приликом стварања стратегија образовних програма, што би допринело унапређењу спремности за реаговање у условима природних катастрофа изазваних поплавама.

Кључне речи: природне катастрофе, поплаве, средње школе, перцепција, знање, Београд.

Cvetković, V., Lipovac, M., & Milojković, B. (2016). Knowledge of secondary school students in Belgrade as an element of flood preparedness. Journal for social sciences, TEME, 15(4), 1259-1273.