- Cvetković, V., Šišović, V. (2024). Community Disaster Resilience in Serbia. Belgrade: scientific-professional society for disaster risk management.
- Grozdanić, G., Cvetković, V. (2024). Exploring Multifaceted Factors Influencing Community Resilience to Earthquake-Induced Geohazards: Insights from Montenegro. Belgrade: Scientific-professional Society For Disaster Risk Management.
- Nikolić, N., Cvetković, V., Ivanov, A. (2023). Human resource management in environmental security. Belgrade: Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management.
- Tanasić, J., Cvetković, V. (2024). Policy of Crisis Management in Serbia. Belgrade: Scientific-Expert Society for Risk Management in Emergency Situations.
- Cvetković, V. (2019). Upravlјanje rizicima i sistemi zaštite i spasavanja od katastrofa. Naučno-stručno društvo za upravlјanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama, Beograd;
- Cvetković, V. (2020). Upravlјanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama. Beograd: Naučno-stručno društvo za upravlјanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.
- Cvetković, V. (2021). Bezbednosni rizici i katastrofe. Beograd: Naučno-stručno društvo za upravlјanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama;
- Cvetković, V. (2022). Taktika zaštite i spasavanja u katastrofama. Beograd: Naučno-stručno društvo za upravlјanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.
- Cvetković, V. (2023). Otpornost na katastrofe – Vodič za prevenciju, reagovanje i oporavak. Beograd: Naučno-stručno društvo za upravlјanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.
- Cvetković, V., & Čaušić, L. (2022). Zbirka propisa iz oblasti vanrednih situacija. Beograd: Naučno-stručno društvo za upravlјanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.
- Cvetković, V., Filipović, M., & Gačić, J. (2019). Zbirka propisa iz oblasti upravlјanja rizicima od katastrofa. Naučno-stručno društvo za upravlјanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama, Beograd
- Cvetković, V. (2023). Istorijski razvoj Naučno-stručnog društva za upravlјanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama. Beograd: Naučno-stručno društvo za upravlјanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.
- Cvetković, V., & Jovanović, M. (2021). Mitovi o katastrofama: istine i zablude. Beograd: Naučno-stručno društvo za upravlјanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.
- Cvetković, V., Martinović, J. (2021). Upravlјanje u nuklearnim katastrofama. Beograd: Naučno-stručno društvo za upravlјanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.
- Cvetković, V., Bošković, D., Janković, B., & Andrić, S. (2019). Percepcija rizika od vanrednih situacija. Kriminalističko-policijska akademija, Beograd.
- Cvetković, V. (2017). Metodologija naučnog istraživanja katastrofa – teorije, koncepti i metode. Zadužbina Andrejević, Beograd.
- Miladinović, S., Cvetković, V., & Milašinović, S. (2017). Upravlјanje u kriznim situacijama izazvanim klizištima. Kriminalističko-policijska akademija, Beograd.
- Cvetković, V., Milašinović, S., & Gostimirović, L. (2018). Istorijski razvoj policijskog obrazovanja u Srbiji. Visoka poslovna tehnička škola, Doboj.
- Cvetković, V., Filipović, M. (2017). Pripremlјenost za prirodne katastrofe – preporuke za unapređenje pripremlјenosti. Zadužbina Andrejević, Beograd.
- Cvetković, V. (2013). Interventno-spasilačke službe u vanrednim situacijama. Beograd, Zadužbina Andrejević.
- Jakovlјević, V., Cvetković, V., & Gačić, J. (2015). Prirodne katastrofe i obrazovanje. Beograd: Fakultet bezbednosti, Univerzitet u Beogradu.
- Cvetković, V. (2016). Policija i prirodne katastrofe. Beograd (Instant system): Zadužbina Andrejević.
- Cvetković, V., Gačić, J. (2016). Evakuacija u prirodnim katastrofama. Beograd: Zadužbina Andrejević, 2016.
- Ivanov, A., Cvetković, V. (2016). Prirodni katastrofi – geoprostorna i vremenska distribucija. Univerzitet „Sv. Kliment Ohridski“- Bitola, Fakultet za bezbednost, Skopje.
- Bošković, D., Cvetković, V. (2017). Procena rizika u sprečavanju izvršenja krivičnih dela eksplozivnim materijama. Beograd: Kriminalističko-policijska akademija.
- Cvetković, V. (2023). Spremnost srednjih škola Sliva Zapadne Morave u Republici Srbiji za smanjenje rizika od katastrofa i upravlјanje u vanrednim situacijama. Beograd: Fenomena.
- Cvetković, V. (2023). Integrisano upravlјanje rizicima od katastrofa: pripremlјenost, ublažavanje, odgovor i oporavak. Beograd: Naučno-stručno društvo za upravlјanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.
- Cvetković, V. (2021). Pravni i bezbednosni aspekti upravlјanja rizicima od prirodnih i antropogenih katastrofa. Izdavač: Pravni fakultet u Novom Sadu i Naučno-stručno društvo za upravlјanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.
Na blogu su prikazani naučni radovi autora iz oblasti upravljanja rizicima od katastrofa
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Knjige iz oblasti studija katastrofa

Sunday, April 21, 2024
Community Disaster Resilience in Serbia
In the face of natural disasters, communities are often the first line of defence, bearing the brunt of devastation while also displaying remarkable resilience in their aftermath. The ability of societies to withstand, adapt to, and recover from such crises is a testament to the strength and resourcefulness inherent in human communities. This monograph, titled "Community Disaster Resilience in Serbia," represents a concerted effort to delve into the underlying dynamics that shape a community's capacity to cope with natural disasters. Focusing on Serbia, a country with a rich tapestry of social, economic, and demographic complexities, this research endeavors to unravel the intricate interplay between various socio-economic and demographic factors and community resilience. The research methodology employed in this study is grounded in a comprehensive quantitative approach, leveraging rigorous statistical analyses to explore the multifaceted dimensions of community disaster resilience. Through the administration of a carefully crafted questionnaire to 321 participants in January 2024, we sought to capture diverse perspectives and experiences, enriching our understanding of the complex socio-economic and demographic landscape of Serbia. At its core, this study recognizes the critical importance of understanding how factors such as income, employment status, marital status, education, risk perception, gender, and age intersect to influence a community's ability to withstand and recover from natural disasters. By shedding light on these nuanced relationships, we aim to equip policymakers, practitioners, and community leaders with evidence-based insights to enhance disaster preparedness and response efforts. A notable aspect of our methodology is the utilization of the snowball sampling method, which facilitated the organic expansion of our participant pool. By harnessing the networks and connections within communities, we were able to access a diverse array of voices, enriching our dataset and ensuring the robustness of our findings. Central to our inquiry is the exploration of how age, education, and gender intersect with broader social structures, capital, mechanisms, equity, diversity, and beliefs to shape community disaster resilience in Serbia. By elucidating these relationships, we aim to provide insights that can inform targeted interventions and policy initiatives aimed at bolstering community resilience across the country. This monograph holds significant importance in the field of disaster resilience research and practice for several reasons. Firstly, it fills a crucial gap in the existing literature by providing comprehensive insights into the impacts of demographic and socioeconomic factors on community disaster resilience, particularly within the context of Serbia. While studies on disaster resilience abound, there is a notable scarcity of research specifically examining the influence of demographic and socioeconomic factors on resilience in this region. Secondly, the findings of this research offer practical implications for policymakers, government agencies, non-governmental organisations, and community leaders involved in disaster management and resilience-building initiatives. By identifying key predictors and factors influencing community resilience, stakeholders can tailor interventions and strategies to address specific vulnerabilities and enhance the capacity of communities to withstand, adapt to, and recover from disasters effectively. Furthermore, the utilization of robust statistical methods and the comprehensive nature of the research design enhance the reliability and validity of the findings presented in this monograph. The employment of multivariate regression analysis allows for a nuanced understanding of the relationships between various predictors and different dimensions of community disaster resilience, providing valuable insights for both academics and practitioners. Moreover, by employing an adapted version of the ‘5Ssocial resilience framework, this research contributes to the advancement of theoretical frameworks and conceptual models in the field of disaster resilience. The application of such frameworks enables researchers and practitioners to systematically assess and evaluate the complex interplay between social, economic, and environmental factors shaping community resilience, thereby facilitating more informed decision-making and resource allocation. Overall, this monograph serves as a seminal contribution to the burgeoning field of disaster resilience, offering evidence-based insights and actionable recommendations for enhancing resilience-building efforts in Serbia and beyond. Its significance lies not only in its empirical findings but also in its potential to inform policy development, guide practice, and inspire further research in the pursuit of building more resilient and adaptive communities worldwide. As we embark on this intellectual journey, we extend our gratitude to all those who have contributed to this endeavor, from the participants who generously shared their insights to the researchers and practitioners whose expertise has guided our inquiry. We hope this monograph will serve as a valuable resource for academics, policymakers, and practitioners alike, fostering dialogue and collaboration in our collective efforts to build more resilient communities in Serbia and beyond. Conclusion: The resilience of social communities to natural disasters represents an important research area in the field of disaster studies. By enhancing the level of such resilience, the fundamental prerequisites for the safe functioning of society in various unforeseen events are achieved. This scientific monograph delves into the intricate dynamics of community disaster resilience, shedding light on the interplay between demographic and socioeconomic factors. Through a rigorous quantitative study, the research investigates how variables such as age, education, employment status, and property ownership influence the resilience of communities to disasters of varying magnitudes. Utilizing multivariate regression analysis, the study identifies key predictors across different dimensions of community disaster resilience. It uncovers nuanced insights, revealing the differential impact of demographic and socioeconomic factors on various aspects of resilience. Among the findings, age, education, employment status, and property ownership emerge as significant predictors, shaping the overall resilience profile of communities. The calculated mean value of the community disaster resilience index provides a comprehensive overview, indicating a modest level of resilience across the studied communities. Notably, the analysis highlights variations in resilience across different subscales, with social beliefs garnering the highest ratings and social structure scoring the lowest. This disparity underscores the complex nature of community resilience and the need for targeted interventions to address specific vulnerabilities. Furthermore, the research offers valuable insights into the prevalence of preventive measures adopted by communities to mitigate disaster risks. Epidemics, extreme temperatures, and storms emerge as the most common focus areas for preventive measures, reflecting societal priorities in disaster preparedness. Interestingly, the study also delves into societal perceptions of disaster resilience, revealing divergent attitudes towards different types of hazards. While epidemics, extreme temperatures, and drought are perceived to have higher resilience levels, volcanic eruptions, landslides, and tsunamis are viewed with comparatively lower confidence. This discrepancy in perception underscores the importance of understanding community attitudes and beliefs in shaping disaster resilience strategies. In essence, this monograph contributes to the growing body of knowledge on community disaster resilience by providing empirical evidence and nuanced insights into the factors influencing resilience levels. By identifying predictors, assessing resilience indices, and exploring societal perceptions, the research informs evidence-based approaches for enhancing community resilience and fostering sustainable disaster risk reduction strategies. Distinct subscales underscore variations, emphasizing the importance of targeted interventions. Positive views on response services and community leadership coexist with a generally neutral stance on disaster preparedness. Social capital reflects mutual trust, with space for increased community engagement. Social mechanisms indicate positive attitudes but underscore the need for enhanced household disaster preparedness, risk perception, and citizen disaster awareness. High scores in addressing social injustices reveal positive attitudes, but lower ratings for specific programs suggest areas for improvement. Cultural aspects demonstrate positive attitudes towards traditions, faith, and cultural values, with challenges in trust during disasters and the role of religious leaders pointing to potential improvements. Correlations between education status, marital status, and various dimensions highlight nuanced relationships impacting community disaster resilience. The study offers a basis for focused interventions across a variety of criteria and sheds light on areas that might want improvement. By adding to our knowledge of Serbian community disaster resilience, this study helps practitioners and policymakers create focused interventions and promote a more just and resilient society that can withstand a variety of calamities. Aside from that, this study significantly advances our knowledge of community (social) resilience in the face of various natural disasters, with an emphasis on the effects of demographic and socioeconomic factors. The identification of key predictors such as age, education, employment, and property ownership provides researchers with a foundation for further investigations and analyses. The research results indicate the need for differentiated approaches in studying community resilience to various types of disasters, providing new insights into complex sociodemographic factors. This paper carries significant social implications that can be utilized in the development of policies and practices to enhance community (social) disaster resilience in Serbia. These results can be used as a starting point for the creation of educational initiatives, awareness-raising campaigns, and community support systems for anticipating and responding to various calamities. Results of the analysis across various dimensions of community resilience to disasters indicate a significant role of age as a predictor of social structure. These findings can be explained by the fact that older individuals, thanks to their previous life experiences, social networks, and spiritual beliefs, contribute to shaping the social structure of the community. Their prolonged exposure to disaster-related events allows them a subtler understanding of social structures and the effectiveness of responses in such situations. Further examinations also suggest a correlation between age and dimensions such as social structure, social mechanisms, social justice and diversity, as well as social beliefs. Subsequent analysis suggests that older participants have a positive association with higher ratings for social structure, while ratings for social mechanisms, social justice and diversity, as well as social beliefs, decrease as the age of participants progresses. This trend can be attributed to factors such as accumulated life experiences, historical perspectives, and deeper involvement in communal activities over time. Concurrently, education emerges as a key predictor for the sub-scale of social capital. Participants with a high school diploma consistently rate higher across dimensions including social structure, social mechanisms, and social justice and diversity compared to those with a university degree. This positive correlation can be attributed to increased social awareness, communication skills, and a broader understanding of community dynamics that come with higher education. Additionally, participants with a university education report higher ratings for social capital, preventive measures, and perception of disaster resilience compared to those with a high school diploma. These individuals with a university education likely experience higher levels of social connectedness, engagement, and support, thus being more inclined towards taking proactive measures and showing greater resilience perception in facing disasters compared to their peers with a high school diploma. Furthermore, employment has been shown as the most significant predictor for the sub-scales of social mechanisms, social justice and diversity, while property ownership is a key predictor for the sub-scale of social beliefs. Additional analysis reveals associations between employment and various variables, including social structure, social mechanisms, social justice and diversity, as well as social beliefs. Unemployed participants often give higher ratings regarding social structure, equality/diversity, and beliefs compared to employed participants. This study further demonstrates that individuals who own personal property consistently give lower ratings across various dimensions, including social capital, social beliefs, preventive measures, and resilience to disasters, compared to individuals who own property within family ownership. Detailed analysis reveals that participants with below-average income consistently assign lower ratings across various dimensions. Specifically, compared to those with average income, participants with below-average income give lower ratings for social mechanisms, social justice and diversity, and social beliefs. Additional analysis reveals that individuals residing in households with two members usually give lower ratings to social structures, while those in households with more than four members tend to give higher ratings to social mechanisms, social justice and diversity, as well as social beliefs. Furthermore, the research indicates a correlation between marital status and ratings, with single individuals consistently giving higher ratings across different dimensions compared to those who are in a relationship or divorced. This relationship between marital status and various dimensions may indicate that the existence of singles has specific attitudes or behaviors that contribute to a more positive valuation of social capital, preventive measures, and disaster resilience. The average value of the index measuring community (social) resilience to disasters, calculated on a Likert scale from 1 to 5, is in the lower range of values. This implies that the overall level of resilience to disasters in the community is relatively moderate. The proximity of values to the lower end of the scale suggests potential room for improvement in community resilience to disasters. Further analysis shows that preventive measures are most commonly taken before dangers such as epidemics, extreme temperatures, and storms. The perception of society's resilience is highest against dangers from epidemics, followed by extreme temperatures and drought. Participants express a relatively high level of confidence in society's ability to cope with epidemics, extreme temperatures, and drought. A detailed analysis of all obtained research results indicates that the general hypothesis predicting a statistically significant correlation between socio-economic factors and social resilience to disasters can be confirmed. Based on the defined hypotheses, data analyses show and confirm two specific assertions: a) the influence of sociological factors on the level of social resilience to disasters is confirmed; b) the influence of economic factors on the level of social resilience to disasters is also confirmed. These results direct our understanding of the relationship between different aspects of socio-economic factors and the ability to withstand disasters in society. On a societal level, the results of this research point to key areas where there is a need to enhance the capacity to resist and overcome the effects of disasters. From a fairness perspective, the focus should be on the older population, as a group that has been shown to be a significant factor in social resilience. Raising awareness and providing resources for the elderly can be crucial in encouraging their active participation in the community and increasing overall social resilience. Tailoring educational campaigns and programs to groups with lower levels of education can also be part of a strategy to increase awareness and preparedness in these population groups. Education about disaster prevention and response measures can significantly impact readiness and information provision, thereby raising the level of social resilience. The scientific implications of this research can enrich the field of social sciences and disaster studies. These studies can serve as a starting point for more detailed analyses of factors contributing to social resilience. New studies can explore specific aspects of older citizens or individuals with low education, contributing to a better understanding of their role in disaster preparedness and response processes. Ultimately, the applications of the results of this research can be broad and include support for the development of policies, programs, and interventions in the field of disaster management. Scientists and practitioners can use this knowledge to better direct resources and efforts towards building a more resilient and prepared society to face the challenges of disasters.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Exploring Students' and Teachers' Insights on School-Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Safety: A Case Study of Western Morava Basin, Serbia
Integrated disaster risk reduction in schools represents a key component of safety strategies within the educational sector of every country. In this study, a series of 850 face-to-face interviews (650 with students and 200 with teachers) were conducted throughout 2023 in 10 out of the total 18 municipalities in the Western Morava Basin of the Republic of Serbia. The paper proposes two central hypotheses regarding school-based disaster risk reduction. Firstly, it suggests that gender, age, parent's employment, academic achievement, living situation, paternal and maternal education levels, and engagement with social media collectively influence students' perspectives on this matter. Secondly, it posits that gender, age, marital status, parenthood, and educational background significantly impact teachers' viewpoints on school-based disaster risk reduction. Multivariate linear regression was used to explore predictors of students' and teachers' insights on school-based disaster risk reduction. Various statistical tests including Chi-square, t-tests, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson's correlation were employed to investigate the influence of demographic and socioeconomic factors on these insights. The results of multivariate regression analyses indicate that age, gender and marital emerge as the primary predictors across various facets of students' and teachers' insights on school-based disaster risk reduction (awareness of disasters, disaster education activities, attitudes on disaster risk reduction education, enhancement of disaster information accessibility, etc). The results of this study provide insight into the key factors influencing students' and teachers' perceptions of disaster risk reduction in schools. As such, they can serve as a basis for improving educational programs, developing policies and strategies, normative educational frameworks, teacher training, and further research in disaster education.

Sustainable Earthquake Preparedness: A Cross-Cultural Comparative Analysis in Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia
Authorities and governmental bodies strongly emphasize the importance of residents preparing for natural disasters, particularly underscoring the significance of readiness for geophysical hazards like earthquakes. In this study, which represents comparative quantitative research, the levels and predictors of the impact on preparedness for earthquake-induced disasters in South-Eastern European countries such as Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia are examined. Using the snowball sampling technique (online questionnaire), a survey of 1245 respondents (Montenegro (n = 400), North Macedonia (n = 345), and Serbia (n = 500) was conducted from February 2023 to February 2024. The paper is based on the central hypothesis that the most significant predictor of earthquake preparedness in Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia is age, followed by education and gender. Multivariate regression analysis was used to determine the extent to which five scores of the subscales (household preparedness, community preparedness, disaster preparation, earthquake risk awareness, and reinforced house) were associated with seventh demographic and socio-economic variables. In addition to the mentioned analysis, other statistical analyses such as t-test, one-way ANOVA analysis, and Pearson correlation were also utilized. The results indicate that age emerges as a predictor in various aspects of earthquake-induced disaster preparedness and awareness in most models, followed by education and gender. These findings confirm the significance of respondents’ age in determining levels of preparedness and earthquake awareness. Overall, in North Macedonia, respondents recorded the highest ratings (M = 3.52) for household preparedness for earthquakes, compared to Serbia (M = 3.26) and Montenegro (M = 2.98), where the lower ratings were recorded. Research findings, taking into account cultural characteristics, can serve as a basis for the development of targeted interventions, strategies, policies, and programs aimed at improving the level of societal preparedness for earthquake-induced disasters.