U radu su izneti rezultati kvantitativnog istraživanja ocene efikasnosti reagovanja policije, vojske i vatrogasno-spasilačkih jedinica u prirodnim katastrofama. Pri tome, cilj kvantitativnog istraživanja predstavlja naučna eksplikacija uticaja pola, godina starosti, zaposlenosti, nivoa obrazovanja, prethodnog iskustva, roditeljstva i bračnog statusa na ocenu efikasnosti reagovanja. U anketnom ispitivanju u kojem je učestvovalo 2500 građana iz 19 lokalnih zajednica bila je primenjena strategija ispitivanja u domaćinstvima uz primenu višeetapnog slučajnog uzorka. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je ocena efikasnosti reagovanja vojske viša u odnosu na policiju i vatrogasno-spasilačke jedinice. Zatim, na nivou značajnosti od 5% utvrđenja je statistički značajna povezanost ocene efikasnosti reagovanja policije sa prethodnim iskustvom građana, dok su pol, status zaposlenosti, godine starosti i nivo obrazovanja povezani sa ocenom efikasnosti reagovanja vatrogasno-spasilačkih jedinica. Kada je reč o oceni efikasnosti reagovanja vojske, ona je statistički značajno povezana sa statusom zaposlenosti i nivoom obrazovanja. Implikacije sprovedenog istraživanja odnose se na mogućnost unapređivanja efikasnosti reagovanja navedenih interventno-spasilačkih službi u prirodnim katastrofama. Originalnost istraživanja predstavlja uspostavljanje početne empirijsko-teorijske osnove za bolje razumevanje reagovanja navedenih službi u prirodnim katastrofama. Svakako, iako su učinjeni ozbiljni napori za sveobuhvatno razumevanje ocene efikasnosti reagovanja, veliki broj istraživačkih pitanja ostaje da se aktuelizuje u narednim istraživanjima.
Ključne reči: prirodne katastrofe, kvantitativno istraživanje, policija, vojska, vatrogasno-spasilačke jedinice, Srbija.
Abstract: The paper presents results of quantitative research assessment of efficiency reaction of the police, military and fire-rescue units in natural disasters. Thereby, the goal of quantitative research is scientific explication influence of gender, age, employment, level of education, previous experience, parenting and marital status of the evaluation of efficiency reaction. In the survey of which was attended by 2,500 persons from 19 communities was applied test strategy in households with the use of a multi-stage random sample. The research results show that the efficiency rating is higher for military from the police and fire and rescue units. Then, at a significance level of 5% fortifications, statistically significant correlation assess the effectiveness of the police response to the previous experience of citizens, while gender, employment status, age and education levels associated with the assessment of efficiency of reaction of fire and rescue units. When it comes to assess the efficiency of reaction of the army, it was significantly associated with employment status and education level. The implications of the research related to the possibility of improving the efficiency of those emergency response and rescue services in natural disasters. The originality of the research is to establish initial empirical and theoretical basis for better understanding of the services in response to natural disasters. Certainly, although serious efforts were made to assess the effectiveness of a comprehensive understanding of the response, a number of research questions remain to be popular in the future researches.
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