Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Nuclear Power Risk Perception in Serbia: Fear of Exposure to Radiation vs. Social Benefits

 Nuclear power remains one of the most accessible choices in addressing environmental and social concerns due to the continuously increasing energy needs around the world. While it remains an excellent source of energy due to its low price and low level of emissions, potential accidents remain a serious problem. An example of such is the most recent accident in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (2011), which reminded the world of the potential risks of nuclear energy and the consequences of which continue to have a lasting effect. There is no nuclear power plant in Serbia, but there are about 15 nuclear power stations scattered within its neighboring countries. Therefore, the Serbian Government decided to study how the Serbian public perceives the risks related to the potential construction of nuclear power stations in the country, nuclear energy in general, and its possible benefits and risks. The objective of this paper is to present the results of this assessment along with a literature overview on the (environmental) risk of nuclear power. A pilot study consisted of a series of 270 randomized face-to-face interviews that took place in the public square of Belgrade in March 2019. Logistic regression was used to examine the cumulative effects of the different risk factors. The results showed that the majority of the respondents are skeptical and do not support the construction of nuclear power stations in Serbia. Furthermore, this research identified several additional important correlations that have a significant impact on the public perception of risk.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Examining the impact of demographic and socio- economic factors on the level of employee preparedness for a disaster caused by fires: A case study of Electrical power distribution in Serbia

This paper presents the results of quantitative research regarding the examination of the levels of efficiency of the fire protection system and the training of employees in Electrical power distribution of Serbia for fire protection, ie the analysis of the manner of implementation of fire protection measures, and determining whether these measures are adequately applied. Following the subject set in this way, the aim of the research was set, and that is the scientific analysis of the manner of application of fire protection measures. The results of this research showed that the employees of Electro distribution Belgrade perceive the preparedness of their company highly positively and certain socio-demographic characteristics also affect certain attitudes, especially those related to the experience with fire, the knowledge of employees to react in case of fire, and the choice of the appropriate response, assessment of the readiness of the company and the employees themselves. It was found that knowledge of how to react in case of fire is influenced by gender and level of education; the choice of one of the methods of action in case of fire is influenced by gender; the assessment of the readiness of the employees themselves is influenced by the marital status; the desire of employees to participate in training to increase their preparedness for fires is influenced by gender. The results of the research can be used to improve the preparedness of employees in various organizations to respond to disasters caused by fires.

Cvetković, V.M.; Marković, K. Examining the Impact of Demographic and Socio-Economic Factors on the Level of Employee Preparedness for a Disaster Caused by Fires: A Case Study of Electrical Power Distribution in Serbia. Preprints 2021, 2021030272 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202103.0272.v1).

Cvetković, V.M.; Marković, K. Examining the Impact of Demographic and Socio-Economic Factors on the Level of Employee Preparedness for a Disaster Caused by Fires: A Case Study of Electrical Power Distribution in Serbia. Preprints 2021, 2021030272 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202103.0272.v1).

Monday, February 22, 2021

Mitovi o katastrofama: istine i zablude - Myths about disasters: truths and misconceptions

Knjiga ,,Mitovi o katastrofama: istine i zablude“ predstavlja bogatu riznicu podataka o najaktuelnijim i praktikovanim mitovima iz oblasti studija katastrofa, koji se razlikuju po svojoj morfologiji i društvenoj funkcionalnosti. Vešto i pronicljivo objašnjavajući suprotstavljene načine interpretacije ponašanja ljudi u uslovima katastrofa, autori na interesantan, znalački i dovitljiv način elaboriraju opšte mitove o katastrofama, mitove iz domena zdravstva, kao i iz domena pružanja humanitarne pomoći. Neprekidno tragajući za otkrivanjem istine i zablude, autori na virtuozan i naučno prihvatljiv stil preispituju mnogobrojne mitove: prirodne katastrofe si izuzetni i retki događaji; katastrofe ubijaju nasumično bez poštovanja ekonomskog ili socijalnog statusa; tehnologije će spasiti svet od prirodnih katastrofa; zemljotresi su prirodne opasnosti koje prouzrokuju velike ljudske žrtve; prirodne katastrofe slabe moral pogođene zajednice; neodlučnost ljudi za evakuaciju u uslovima katastrofa; nakon katastrofe, stvari se vraćaju u normalu kroz nekoliko nedelja; privremena naselja su idealna stambena rešenja za žrtve katastrofe; preopterećenost najbliže bolnice pacijentima nedaleko od mesta katastrofe; donacije krvi su u uslovima katastrofa neophodne; žrtve katastrofa razvijaju „Sindrom katastrofe“; prirodne katastrofe stvaraju epidemije zaraznih bolesti; mit o paničnom ponašanju ljudi u uslovima katastrofa; katastrofe prouzrokuju antisocijalno ponašanje itd. 

Uvreženost i opšteprihvaćenost spomenutih mitova o katastrofama, naprosto nameću potrebu sprovođenja multimetodskih istraživanja, imajući u vidu da njihovo praktikovanje unapređuje ili unazađuje organizovanje integrisane i efikasne zaštite ljudi i materijalnih dobara od prirodnih i antropogenih katastrofa. Osim neprocenjivih teorijskih elaboracija, autori u naučnoj monografiji predstavljaju impresivne i obilne rezultate kvantitativnog istraživanja u kojem se ispituje nivo praktikovanja mitova o katastrofama. Polazeći od činjenice da je svako ponašanje koje nije zasnovano na naučnim činjenicama domen mitskog tumačenja stvarnosti, višeetapnim slučajnim uzorkovanjem, sprovedeno je sveobuhvatno istraživanje na području Beograda, na uzorku od preko 250 ispitanika. Dobijeni podaci su analizirani i interpretirani korišćenjem statističkih tehnika, kao što su: Standardna višestruka regresija, Hi-kvadrat test, Jednofaktorska analiza varijanse, T-test i Pirsonova linearna korelacija. Rezultati istraživanja prikazanog u monografiji mogu biti iskorišćeni od strane donosioca odluka u Srbiji za potrebe unapređenja sveobuhvatne pripremljenosti za reagovanje u prirodnim i antropogenim katastrofama. The book "Myths about Disasters: Truths and Misconceptions" presents a rich treasury of data on the most current and practiced myths in the field of disaster studies, which differ in their morphology and social functionality. Skillfully and insightfully explaining the opposing ways of interpreting people's behavior in disaster conditions, the authors elaborate general myths about disasters, myths from the domain of health, as well as from the domain of providing humanitarian aid, in an interesting, knowledgeable and ingenious way. Constantly searching for the discovery of truth and delusion, the authors re-examine numerous myths in a virtuoso and scientifically acceptable style: natural disasters are exceptional and rare events; disasters kill at random without respect for economic or social status; technologies will save the world from natural disasters; earthquakes are natural hazards that cause great human casualties; natural disasters weaken the morale of the affected community; indecision of people to evacuate in disaster conditions; after a disaster, things return to normal in a few weeks; temporary settlements are ideal housing solutions for disaster victims; overcrowding of the nearest hospital with patients not far from the disaster site; blood donations are necessary in disaster conditions; disaster victims develop "Disaster Syndrome"; natural disasters create epidemics of infectious diseases; the myth of people panicking in disaster conditions; disasters cause antisocial behavior, etc. The ingrained and generally accepted myths about catastrophes simply impose the need to conduct multimethod research, bearing in mind that their practice improves or regresses the organization of integrated and effective protection of people and material goods from natural and anthropogenic disasters. In addition to invaluable theoretical elaborations, the authors in the scientific monograph present impressive and abundant results of quantitative research in which the level of practicing myths about catastrophes is examined. Starting from the fact that any behavior that is not based on scientific facts is the domain of mythical interpretation of reality, multi-stage random sampling, comprehensive research was conducted in the area of Belgrade, on a sample of over 250 respondents. The obtained data were analyzed and interpreted using statistical techniques, such as: Standard multiple regression, Chi-square test, One-factor analysis of variance, T-test, and Pearson's linear correlation. The results of the research presented in the monograph can be used by decision-makers in Serbia for the purpose of improving the overall preparedness for responding to natural and anthropogenic disasters.

Cvetković, V., & Marina, J. (2021). Mitovi o katastrofama: istine i zablude (Myths about disasters: truths and misconceptions). Beograd: Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.

Private security preparedness for disasters caused by fires - Pripremljenost privatnog obezbeđenja za katastrofe izazvane požarima

The subject of the research was the examination of the factors of influence on the preparedness of the private security for disasters caused by fire. In addition to determining the preparedness index, there are deeper insights into the interrelationships between various selected variables and the level of preparedness of members of the private security. Using the random sampling method, 300 adult members of the private security were selected, and they participated in the research. The results of the research indicate that members of private security were not sufficiently prepared to react to fires. Starting from the fact that the role of members of the private security in disaster conditions is a rather poorly and insufficiently researched phenomenon, the research results can be used as a starting point for conducting further research in this area. Предмет истраживања је испитивање фактора утицаја на спремност припадника приватног обезбеђења да реагују у случају пожара. Поред утврђивања индекса спремности, постоје и дубљи увиди у међусобне односе различитих одабраних променљивих и ниво спремности чланова приватног обезбеђења. Методом случајног узорковања изабрано је 300 пунолетних чланова приватног обезбеђења који су учествовали у истраживању. Резултати истраживања указују да припадници приватног обезбеђења нису довољно припремљени да реагују на пожаре. Полазећи од чињенице да је улога чланова приватног обезбеђења у условима катастрофе прилично слабо и недовољно истражена појава. Резултати истраживања могу се користити као полазна основа за спровођење даљих истраживања у овој области.

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Cvetković, V. P. S., & Janković, B. (2021). Private security preparedness for disasters caused by fires. Journal of Criminalistic and Law, NBP, 26(1). 

Public perception of climate change and its impact on natural disasters - Percepcija javnosti o klimatskim promenama i njihovom uticaju na prirodne katastrofe

 The aim of the research is the examination of the factors influencing the public perception of climate change and its impact on natural disasters. This paper presents the results of quantitative research regarding tested the central hypothesis of which education is predicting variable of public perception of climate change and its impact on natural disasters. A multivariate regression analysis was used, identifying the extent to total scores of the main dependent variables (perception of vulnerability to climate change, perception of the climate change impact on natural disaster, knowledge and fear scores) were associated with five demographic and socio-economic variables: gender, age, marital status, education level, and employment status. A series of 208 face-to-face interviews were conducted during the beginning of 2020 on the central squares in selected cities in Serbia, Belgrade (76.92%) and Sremska Mitrovica (23.08%). The results showed that education level was the most effective predictor of the mentioned research variables. Besides, employment status has been found to affect perceptions of vulnerability, while age affects perceptions of climate change. Based on the obtained results, policies and strategies to improve people's awareness of climate change must take into account a comprehensive understanding of behavioral dispositions. Cilj istraživanja predstavlja ispitivanje faktora koji utiču na percepciju javnosti o klimatskim promenama i njihovom uticaju na prirodne katastrofe. Ovaj rad predstavlja rezultate kvantitativnog istraživanja u kojem se ispituje centralna hipoteza prema kojoj je edukacija glavna prediktorska promenljiva percepcije javnosti o klimatskim promenama i njihovom uticaju na prirodne katastrofe. Korišćena je višestruka regresiona analiza koja je identifikovala opseg ukupnih rezultata glavnih zavisnih promenljivih (percepcija ugroženosti na klimatske promene, percepcija uticaja klimatskih promena na prirodne katastrofe, rezultati znanja i straha) koje su povezane sa pet demografskih i socijalno-ekonomskih promenljiva: pol, starost, bračni status, nivo obrazovanja i radni status. Serija od 208 intervjua licem u lice obavljena je tokom početka 2020. godine na centralnim trgovima u odabranim gradovima u Srbiji, Beogradu (76,92%) i Sremskoj Mitrovici (23,08%). Rezultati su pokazali da je nivo obrazovanja najefikasniji prediktor pomenutih istraživačkih varijabli. Pored toga, utvrđeno je da radni status utiče na percepciju ranjivosti, dok starost utiče na percepciju klimatskih promena. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, politike i strategije za poboljšanje svesti ljudi o klimatskim promenama moraju uzeti u obzir sveobuhvatno razumevanje raspoloženja u ponašanju.

Cvetković, V., & Grbić, L. (2021). Public perception of climate change and its impact on natural disasters. Journal of the Geographical Institute Jovan Cvijic.

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Relations between police and private security officers: a case study of Serbia

 In the last few years, under the influence of various circumstances, the demand for the private security industry has increased in Serbia. The aim of this research is to examine the extent and quality of cooperation between members of the public and private security sector as the mutual perception of its members because their relations are important for establishing a safe environment for citizens. The survey was conducted from February to June 2019 using a questionnaire among 190 police officers and 178 security personnel. The results of this research showed that mutual relations between the private security personnel and police officers are satisfactory, but also that members of private security look at these relations from a brighter side and have a very positive attitude towards members of the police, while members of the police view these relations more negatively. The results of this research can be used for planning campaigns to improve the relationships between police officers and security personnel.

Janković, B., Cvetković, V., Milojević, S., & Ivanović, Z. (2021). Relations between police and private security officers: a case study of Serbia. Security journal. 

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Sunday, February 7, 2021

Upravljanje u nuklearnim katastrofama - Nuclear Disaster Management (book)

 Knjiga ,,Upravljanje u nuklearnim katastrofama“ predstavlja originalno, sveobuhvatno i prvo delo na našim prostorima u kojem se prikazuju rezultati teorijskog i empirijskog istraživanja karakteristika različitih faza integrisanog upravljanja u nuklearnim katastrofama, kao što su: prevencija i ublažavanje rizika od nuklearnih katastrofa; pripremljenost građana, lokalnih zajednica i države za nuklearne katastrofe; odgovor (mere zaštite i spasavanja sa taktikom njihove primene) i oporavak od posledica nuklearnih katastrofa. Pored toga, autori na vrlo intuitivan, pristupačan i razumljiv način opisuju složenu fenomenologiju nuklearnih katastrofa sa posebnim osvrtom na korišćenje nuklearne energije u mirnodopske svrhe i nuklearni terorizam kao jednu od najozbiljnijih pretnji bezbednosti u XXI veku. 

Pored sveobuhvatnih teorijskih elaboracija, u naučnoj monografiji autori predstavljaju rezultate kvantitativnog istraživanja uticaja demografskih, socio-ekonomskih i psiholoških karakteristika ispitanika na njihove stavove o brojnim relevantim pitanjima iz oblasti upravljanja u nuklearnim katastrofama (percepcija rizika i strahovi o nuklearnim katastrofama, percepcija o prihvatanju i odbijanju korišćenja nuklearne energije u mirnodopske svrhe, multidimenzionalna pripremljenost građana, lokalnih zajednica, države i interventno-spasilačkih službi (policije, vatrogasno-spasilačkih jedinica i službe hitne medicinske pomoći) za reagovanje u nuklearnim katastrofama, percepcija pozitivnih i negativnih perspektiva izmene zakonske regulative o izgradnji nuklearnih elektrana u Srbiji). Višeetapnim slučajnim uzorkovanjem, anketirano je nekoliko stotina građana, na području grada Beograda, korišćenjem metode snežne grudve. Dobijeni podaci su analizirani i interpretirani korišćenjem statističkih tehnika, kao što su: višestruka regresija, Hi-kvadrat test, Jednofaktorska analiza varijanse (ANOVA), T-test i Pirsonova linearna korelacija. Rezultati naučnog istraživanja umnogome doprinose unapređenju teorijskog i empirijskog fonda naučnih saznanja koja se mogu iskoristiti za kreiranje strategija i programa unapređenja pripremljenosti stanovništva za reagovanje u različitim nuklearnim i radiološkim katastrofama. 

The book "Nuclear Disaster Management" is an original, comprehensive, and the first piece in our country which presents the results of theoretical and empirical research of the characteristics of different phases of integrated management in nuclear disasters, such as prevention and mitigation of nuclear disasters; preparedness of citizens, local communities and the state for nuclear disasters; response (protection and rescue measures with tactics of their application) and recovery from the consequences of nuclear disasters. In addition, the authors describe in a very intuitive, accessible, and understandable way the complex phenomenology of nuclear disasters with special reference to the use of nuclear energy for peacetime purposes and nuclear terrorism as one of the most serious security threats in the 21st century. In addition to comprehensive theoretical elaborations, in the scientific monograph, the authors present the results of quantitative research on the impact of demographic, socio-economic, and psychological characteristics of respondents on their views on many relevant issues in nuclear disaster management (risk perception and fears of nuclear disasters, perception of acceptance and rejection). use of nuclear energy for peacetime purposes, multidimensional preparedness of citizens, local communities, the state and emergency services (police, fire, and rescue units, and emergency medical services) to respond to nuclear disasters, perception of positive and negative prospects for changing the legislation on the nuclear construction power plant in Serbia). Several hundred citizens, in the area of the city of Belgrade, were surveyed by multi-stage random sampling, using the snowball method. The obtained data were analyzed and interpreted using statistical techniques, such as: multiple regression, Chi-square test, One-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA), T-test, and Pearson's linear correlation. The results of scientific research greatly contribute to the improvement of the theoretical and empirical fund of scientific knowledge that can be used to create strategies and programs to improve the preparedness of the population to respond to various nuclear and radiological disasters.

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Saturday, February 6, 2021

International Journal of Disaster Risk Management (references list - spisak referenci)

 Aleksandrina, M., Budiarti, D., Yu, Z., Pasha, F., & Shaw, R. (2019). Governmental Incentivization for SMEs’ Engagement in Disaster Resilience in Southeast Asia. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, 1(1), 32-50.

Vibhas, S., Adu, G. B., Ruiyi, Z., Anwaar, M. A., & Rajib, S. (2019). Understanding the barriers restraining effective operation of flood early warning systems. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, 1(2), 1-17.

Vibhas, S., Bismark, A. G., Ruiyi, Z., Anwaar, M. A., & Rajib, S. (2019). Understanding the barriers restraining effective operation of flood early warning systems. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, 1(2), 1-19.

Xuesong, G., & Kapucu, N. (2019). Examining Stakeholder Participation in Social Stability Risk Assessment for Mega Projects using Network Analysis. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, 1(1), 1-31.

Cvetković, V. (2019). Risk Perception of Building Fires in Belgrade. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, 1(1), 81-91.

Ocal, A. (2019). Natural Disasters in Turkey: Social and Economic Perspective. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, 1(1), 51-61.

Cvetković, V., & Janković, B. (2020). Private security preparedness for disasters caused by natural and anthropogenic hazards. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, 2(1), 23-33.

Mano, R., A, K., & Rapaport, C. (2019). Earthquake preparedness: A Social Media Fit perspective to accessing and disseminating earthquake information. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, 1(2), 19-31.

Kumiko, F., & Shaw, R. (2019). Preparing International Joint Project: Use of Japanese Flood Hazard Map in Bangladesh. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, 1(1), 62-80.

Thennavan, E., Ganapathy, G., Chandrasekaran, S., & Rajawat, A. (2020). Probabilistic rainfall thresholds for shallow landslides initiation – A case study from The Nilgiris district, Western Ghats, India. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, 2(1), 1-14.

Chakma, U., Hossain, A., Islam, K., Hasnat, G. T., & Kabir, M. H. (2021). Water crisis and adaptation strategies by tribal community: A case study in Baghaichari Upazila of Rangamati District in Bangladesh. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management2(2), 37-46.

Al-ramlawi, A., El-Mougher, M., & Al-Agha, M. (2021). The Role of Al-Shifa Medical Complex Administration in Evacuation & Sheltering Planning. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management2(2), 19-36.

Cvetkovic, V., & Martinović, J. (2021). Innovative solutions for flood risk management. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management2(2), 71-100.

Perić, J., & Cvetković, V. (2019). Demographic, socio-economic and phycological perspective of risk perception from disasters caused by floods: case study Belgrade. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, 1(2), 31-43.

Hussaini, A. (2020). Environmental Planning for Disaster Risk Reduction at Kaduna International Airport, Kaduna Nigeria. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management2(1), 35-49.

Jha, D., Bhattacharyya, R., Shyam, S., & Ratnayke, U. (2021). Indicator based assessment of integrated flood vulnerability index for Brunei Darussalam. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management2(2), 47-70.

Kaur, B. (2020). Disasters and exemplified vulnerabilities in a cramped Public Health Infrastructure in India. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management2(1), 15-22.

Olawuni, P., Olowoporoku, O., & Daramola, O. (2020). Determinants of Residents’ Participation in Disaster Risk Management in Lagos Metropolis Nigeria. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, 2(2), 1-19.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, Vol.2, No. 2

 International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, Vol.2, No. 2

International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, Vol. 2, No. 2. Publisher: Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management, Belgrade.


Peter Olawuni, Oluwaseun Olowoporoku, Oluwole Daramola

Determinants of Residents’ Participation in Disaster Risk Management in Lagos Metropolis Nigeria…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..1-18

Ahmed H. Al-ramlawi, Mohammed M. El-Mougher, Mohammad R. Al-Agha

The Role of Al-Shifa Medical Complex Administration in Evacuation & Sheltering Planning…………………………………………………………………………………….19-36

Uttam Kumar Chakma, Akhter Hossain, GN Tanjina Hasnat, Humayain Kabir

Water crisis and adaptation strategies by tribal community: A case study in Baghaichari Upazila of Rangamati District in Bangladesh………………………………………………………………………………………………….37-46

Dilip Kumar Jha, Rajib Kumar Bhattacharyya, Shariar Shyam, Udita Rohana Ratnayke

Indicator based assessment of integrated flood vulnerability index for Brunei Darussalam…………………………………………………………………………………….47-70

Vladimir M. Cvetkovic, Jovana Martinović

Innovative solutions for flood risk management……………………………………………………………………………………………..71-

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Innovative solutions for flood risk management – Inovativna rešenja za upravljanje rizicima od poplava

Poštovani članovi,

predstavljamo vam najnoviji naučno pregledni rad o inovativnim rešenjima za upravljanje rizicima od poplava, objavljen u međunarodnom časopisu – International Journal of Disaster Risk Management (

Abstract: Starting from the importance of innovative solutions for improving the needs of different practitioners as flood risk managers, the purpose of this review was to describe and analyze, evaluates, and prioritizes the various available different innovative solutions that have sufficient potential to be useful and used by practitioners. A systematic review of the literature was conducted using the DAREnet knowledge base (an integral feature of the DAREnet online community platform) which identified critical challenges for flood management and the relevant field or source of innovation, as well as the current scientific literature in the field of disaster studies. A fourth stage selection procedure identified candidate original or review papers and evaluated the degree to which papers met predetermined requirements for inclusion extracted from prior systematic reviews. Included in the study were over 100 studies that met the requirements for predetermined inclusion. The findings of this review showed that there is a huge untapped potential for innovative solutions in the field of prevention, preparedness, civil protection, communication, cooperation, etc. The findings of this review contribute to a growing body of knowledge regarding innovative solutions for flood risk management useful for practitioners. Keywords: disasters, floods, risk management, innovative solutions, DAREnet.

Funding – This research was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No. 740750.

Reference: Cvetković, V., & Martinović, J. (2020). Innovative solutions for flood risk management. International Journal of Disaster Risk Management, 2(2), in press.