Showing posts with label mit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mit. Show all posts

Monday, February 22, 2021

Mitovi o katastrofama: istine i zablude - Myths about disasters: truths and misconceptions

Knjiga ,,Mitovi o katastrofama: istine i zablude“ predstavlja bogatu riznicu podataka o najaktuelnijim i praktikovanim mitovima iz oblasti studija katastrofa, koji se razlikuju po svojoj morfologiji i društvenoj funkcionalnosti. Vešto i pronicljivo objašnjavajući suprotstavljene načine interpretacije ponašanja ljudi u uslovima katastrofa, autori na interesantan, znalački i dovitljiv način elaboriraju opšte mitove o katastrofama, mitove iz domena zdravstva, kao i iz domena pružanja humanitarne pomoći. Neprekidno tragajući za otkrivanjem istine i zablude, autori na virtuozan i naučno prihvatljiv stil preispituju mnogobrojne mitove: prirodne katastrofe si izuzetni i retki događaji; katastrofe ubijaju nasumično bez poštovanja ekonomskog ili socijalnog statusa; tehnologije će spasiti svet od prirodnih katastrofa; zemljotresi su prirodne opasnosti koje prouzrokuju velike ljudske žrtve; prirodne katastrofe slabe moral pogođene zajednice; neodlučnost ljudi za evakuaciju u uslovima katastrofa; nakon katastrofe, stvari se vraćaju u normalu kroz nekoliko nedelja; privremena naselja su idealna stambena rešenja za žrtve katastrofe; preopterećenost najbliže bolnice pacijentima nedaleko od mesta katastrofe; donacije krvi su u uslovima katastrofa neophodne; žrtve katastrofa razvijaju „Sindrom katastrofe“; prirodne katastrofe stvaraju epidemije zaraznih bolesti; mit o paničnom ponašanju ljudi u uslovima katastrofa; katastrofe prouzrokuju antisocijalno ponašanje itd. 

Uvreženost i opšteprihvaćenost spomenutih mitova o katastrofama, naprosto nameću potrebu sprovođenja multimetodskih istraživanja, imajući u vidu da njihovo praktikovanje unapređuje ili unazađuje organizovanje integrisane i efikasne zaštite ljudi i materijalnih dobara od prirodnih i antropogenih katastrofa. Osim neprocenjivih teorijskih elaboracija, autori u naučnoj monografiji predstavljaju impresivne i obilne rezultate kvantitativnog istraživanja u kojem se ispituje nivo praktikovanja mitova o katastrofama. Polazeći od činjenice da je svako ponašanje koje nije zasnovano na naučnim činjenicama domen mitskog tumačenja stvarnosti, višeetapnim slučajnim uzorkovanjem, sprovedeno je sveobuhvatno istraživanje na području Beograda, na uzorku od preko 250 ispitanika. Dobijeni podaci su analizirani i interpretirani korišćenjem statističkih tehnika, kao što su: Standardna višestruka regresija, Hi-kvadrat test, Jednofaktorska analiza varijanse, T-test i Pirsonova linearna korelacija. Rezultati istraživanja prikazanog u monografiji mogu biti iskorišćeni od strane donosioca odluka u Srbiji za potrebe unapređenja sveobuhvatne pripremljenosti za reagovanje u prirodnim i antropogenim katastrofama. The book "Myths about Disasters: Truths and Misconceptions" presents a rich treasury of data on the most current and practiced myths in the field of disaster studies, which differ in their morphology and social functionality. Skillfully and insightfully explaining the opposing ways of interpreting people's behavior in disaster conditions, the authors elaborate general myths about disasters, myths from the domain of health, as well as from the domain of providing humanitarian aid, in an interesting, knowledgeable and ingenious way. Constantly searching for the discovery of truth and delusion, the authors re-examine numerous myths in a virtuoso and scientifically acceptable style: natural disasters are exceptional and rare events; disasters kill at random without respect for economic or social status; technologies will save the world from natural disasters; earthquakes are natural hazards that cause great human casualties; natural disasters weaken the morale of the affected community; indecision of people to evacuate in disaster conditions; after a disaster, things return to normal in a few weeks; temporary settlements are ideal housing solutions for disaster victims; overcrowding of the nearest hospital with patients not far from the disaster site; blood donations are necessary in disaster conditions; disaster victims develop "Disaster Syndrome"; natural disasters create epidemics of infectious diseases; the myth of people panicking in disaster conditions; disasters cause antisocial behavior, etc. The ingrained and generally accepted myths about catastrophes simply impose the need to conduct multimethod research, bearing in mind that their practice improves or regresses the organization of integrated and effective protection of people and material goods from natural and anthropogenic disasters. In addition to invaluable theoretical elaborations, the authors in the scientific monograph present impressive and abundant results of quantitative research in which the level of practicing myths about catastrophes is examined. Starting from the fact that any behavior that is not based on scientific facts is the domain of mythical interpretation of reality, multi-stage random sampling, comprehensive research was conducted in the area of Belgrade, on a sample of over 250 respondents. The obtained data were analyzed and interpreted using statistical techniques, such as: Standard multiple regression, Chi-square test, One-factor analysis of variance, T-test, and Pearson's linear correlation. The results of the research presented in the monograph can be used by decision-makers in Serbia for the purpose of improving the overall preparedness for responding to natural and anthropogenic disasters.

Cvetković, V., & Marina, J. (2021). Mitovi o katastrofama: istine i zablude (Myths about disasters: truths and misconceptions). Beograd: Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama.