Showing posts with label citizens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label citizens. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Citizens education about floods: a Serbian case study

The aim of quantitative research is a scientific explication of the effects certain demographic, socio-economic and psychological citizens characteristics on citizens education in Serbia about floods. It is because of that that during the whole 2015 a series of 2,500 face-to-face interviews was conducted in 19 out of the 190 municipalities of the Republic of Serbia. The study population consisted of all adult residents of the local communities in which floods occurred, and the sample size complied with the geographical and demographic size of the community. Results of the descriptive statistical analysis showed 24.9% of respondents were educated about natural disasters at school, 40.2% in the family, 29.9% at work, 39.9% of respondents know where elderly, disabled and infants live, 14% noted that they knew the risks of floods, etc. The research findings indicated that there is a statistically significant correlation between the level of knowledge about natural disasters and sex, age, marital status levels of education, fear of disaster, previous experience and income level. On the other hand, education at school, within the family, at work is statistically significantly associated with age, the level of education, marital status and employment status. The awareness of where elderly, disabled and infants live was not statistically significantly related to sex, the level of education, marital status and previous experience. The research indicates how to raise the level of citizens’ knowledge starting from their demographic, socio-economic and psychological characteristics. The research originality lies in the uncharted impact of those factors on the citizens’ knowledge about natural disasters in Serbia. The results can be used for the design of strategies to improve citizens’ knowledge about the natural disasters caused by flooding.

Keywords: floods, citizens, education, factors, Serbia.

Cvetković, V., Tarolli, P., Roder, G., Ivanov, A., Ronan, K., Ocam, A., & Kutub, R. (2017). Citizens education about floods: a Serbian case study. Paper presented at the VII International scientific conference Archibald Reiss days

Sunday, June 26, 2016


The consequences of floods that affected the area of Serbia in 2014 indicated a very low level of preparedness of population to respond to natural disasters. Therefore, the aim of quantitative research is to examine the impact of fear on the willingness of citizens to respond to a natural disaster caused by the flood in the Republic of Serbia. Bearing in mind all local communities in Serbia where floods occurred or there is a high risk of flooding, randomly it was selected sample consisting 19 of 150 municipalities and 23 towns and the city of Belgrade The survey used strategy of testing in households with the use of a multi-stage random sample. The research results show that: citizens who are employed, in a higher percentage/greater extent compared to citizens who are not: have taken certain preventive measures aimed at reducing the tangible consequences of floods, would pay funds to an account to help flood victims, would engage in providing help to flood victims in the field, heavy rains make them to think on preparedness for response and water level rise, they engaged in preparations for at least 6 months, do not do anything that would raise the level of preparedness to the next level etc. The originality of the research lies in the fact that in Serbia it has never been conducted research to examine the state of preparedness of citizens to respond. Bearing in mind that the research is based on the territory of Serbia, conclusions can be generalized to the entire population. The research results can be used when creating a strategy for improving the level of preparedness of citizens to respond. 

Key words: natural disasters, floods, citizens, employment, preparedness.

For citations: Cvetković, V. (2016). Influence of employment status on citizen preparedness for response to natural disasasters. NBP – Journal of criminalistics and law, in press. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


    Последице пoплaвa кoje су зaдeсилe пoдручje Србиje у тoку 2014. гoдинe укaзaлe су нa вeoмa низaк стeпeн спрeмнoсти стaнoвништвa зa рeaгoвaњe у прирoдним кaтaстрoфaмa. Имајући у виду неиспитаност нивоа и фактора утицаја на спремност за реаговање, спрoвeдeнo je мултиметодско истраживање које је обухватило квантитативан и квалитативан истраживачки приступ са циљем утврђивања нивoa и утицaja одређених демографских, социо-економских и психолошких карактеристика грађана нa њихову спремност за рeaгoвaњe. Имајући у виду све локалне заједнице у Србији у којима се догодила или постоји висок ризик да се догоди поплава, методом случајног узорка одабрано је њих 19 од укупно 150 општина и 23 града и града Београда. У одабраним ло-калним заједницама истраживање се обавило у оним деловима који су били најугроженији у одно-су на висину воде или потенцијални ризик од настанка поплаве. У самом анкетном испитивању била је примењена стратегија испитивања у домаћинствима уз примену вишеетапног случајног узорка.
 Судећи по резултатима истраживања грађани Републике Србије у извесној мери су неспремни за реаговање на природну катастрофу изазвану поплавом, и њихов јавни индекс спремности за реаговање износи 10,5 од укупно могућих 33. Од укупног броја испитаника, њих 77,4% доживело је нематеријалне и 67,3% материјалне последице поплаве; 34% је било спречено да буде у дому услед последица поплава; 49,7% осећа док 49,3% не осећа страх од поплава; 23,3% би као волонтер учествовало у отклањању последица поплава; 26,6% истиче да је индивидуално спремно за реаговање (М=2,98); 28,7% истиче да је њихово домаћинство спремно за реаговање (М=2,98); 77,9% истиче да зна шта је поплава; 22% познаје безбедносне процедуре реаговања; 86,7% евакуисало би се у случају наиласка поплавног таласа; 40,2% истиче да их је у породици неко едуковао о поплавама; 26,6% истиче да зна шта треба радити након званичног упозорења о наиласку поплавног таласа; 24,6% истиче да поседује залихе; 37,2% одговорило је да поседују залихе хране за 4 дана; 26% поседују залихе воде за 4 дана; 17,6% испитаника поседује радио транзистор, 40% батеријску лампу; 1,3% испитаника поседује писани план за реаговање; 24,5% поседује копије финансијских и других осигуравајућих докумената на безбедном месту итд. Када је реч o демографским карактеристикама грађана, као што су пол, године старости, ниво образовања, и успех у школи утврђена је статистички значајна повезаност са перцепцијом, знањем и поседовањем залиха у вези спремности за реаговањем, док са променљивом да ли испитаници имају или немају деце није утврђена статистички значајна повезаност са перцепцијом спремности за реаговање; у вези социо-економских карактеристика грађана, за запосленост, висину прихода, статус регулисане војне обавезе, и удаљености домаћинства од реке утврђена је статистички значајна повезаност са перцепцијом, знањем и поседовањем залиха у вези спремности за реаговањем; и на крају, за психолошке карактеристике грађана - страх, претходно искуство, перцепцију ризика, ниво религиозности и мотивисаност, утврђена је статистички значајна повезаност са перцепцијом, знањем и залихама у вези спремности грађана за реаговањем.
 Oргинaлнoст истрaживaњa oглeдa сe у чињeници дa у Србиjи ниje никaдa спрoвeдeнo истрaживaњe кojим би сe испитaлo стaњe спрeмнoсти грaђaнa зa рeaгoвaњe. Имајући у виду да се истрaживaњe бaзирa нa пoдручje Србиje, зaкључци се мoгу гeнeрaлизoвaти нa цeлoкупну пoпулaциjу становништва. Истрaживaњe укaзуje нa кojи нaчин трeбa утицaти нa грaђaнe с oбзирoм нa њихoве демографске, социо-економске и психолошке карактеристике кaкo би сe спрeмнoст за реаговање на природне катастрофе изазване поплавом пoдиглa нa виши нивo. Као такво, не даје потпун одговор на сва актуелна питања о спремности грађана за реаговање, али свакако може допринети стварању потпуније слике о њој. Иако су учињени огромни напори да се свеобухватним приступом расветли већина недоумица, може се рећи да велики број питања остаје да се и даље истражује. Резултати истраживања могу допринети унапређењу спремности грађана за реаговање на такве појаве. Поред тога, резултати истраживања се мoгу искoристити и приликoм крeирaњa стрaтeгиja зa унaпрeђeњe нивoa спрeмнoсти грaђaнa зa рeaгoвaњe. Као такви, представљаће реперну тачку за сва будућа истраживања о спремности грађана за реаговање на природне катастрофе имајући у виду праву ризницу података који су изнети у докторској дисертацији.

Кључне речи: безбедност, природнa катастрофa, поплава, спремност за реаговање, перцепција, знање, залихе, демографске карактеристике, социо-економске карактеристике, психолошке карактеристике, грађани, Србија.

За цитирање користити: Цветковић, В. (2015). Спремност грађана за реаговање на природну катастрофу изазвану поплавом у Републици Србији. Београд: Универзитет у Београду, Факултет безбедности.



The consequences of floods that affected the area of Serbia in 2014 indicated a very low level of preparedness of population to respond to natural disasters. Bearing in mind unstudied levels and factors influencing preparedness to respond it was conducted multi-methodical study that included quantitative and qualitative research approach aimed at determining the level and impact of certain demographic, socio-economic and psychological characteristics of population on their preparedness to respond. Bearing in mind all local communities in Serbia where floods occurred or there is a high risk of flooding, randomly it was selected sample consisting 19 of 150 municipalities and 23 towns and the city of Belgrade. In selected communities research was undertaken in those areas that were most affected in relation to the amount of water or potential risk of flooding. The survey used strategy of testing in households with the use of a multi-stage random sample.

According to the research results: citizens of the Republic of Serbia are to some degree unprepared for responding to natural disasters caused by floods, and their public preparedness index was 10.5 on a scale to 33; 77.4% of them suffered from intangible consequences and 67, 3% of them suffered from tangible consequences caused by flooding; 34% of them were disabled to be at home due to consequences of floods; 49.7% feel while 49.3% do not feel the fear from floods; 23.3% would participate as a volunteer in eliminating the consequences of flooding; 26.6% declare that they are individually are prepared to respond (M=2.98); 28.7% declare that their households are prepared to respond (M=2.98); 77.9% declare they know what a flood is; 22% are familiar with security response procedures; 86.7% would be evacuated in the event of encountering floods; 40.2% declare that they have been educated about floods by someone within family; 26.6% declare they know what to do after an official warning about approaching flood; 24.6% declare they have supplies; 37.2% responded that they have food supplies for 4 days; 26% have a water supplies for 4 days; 17.6% of respondents have a transistor radio, 40% flashlight; 1.3% of respondents have a written plan for responding; 24.5% have copies of financial and other insurance documents in a safe place, etc.

When it comes to demographic characteristics of citizens, such as gender, age, level of education, and school performance there is statistically significant correlation with perception, knowledge and possession of supplies in terms of preparedness for response, while when it comes to variable on whether respondents have or do not have children there is no statistically significant correlation with perception of preparedness to respond; in relation with socio-economic characteristics of citizens, for employment, income, status of military obligations, and distance of household from a river there is a statistically significant correlation with perception, knowledge and possession of supplies in terms of preparedness to respond; and finally, for psychological characteristics of people - fear, previous experience, perception of risk, level of religiosity and motivation, these is a statistically significant correlation with perception, knowledge and supplies in terms of preparedness of citizens to respond.
The originality of the research lies in the fact that in Serbia it has never been conducted research to examine the state of preparedness of citizens to respond. Bearing in mind that the research is based on the territory of Serbia, conclusions can be generalized to the entire population. Research indicates the way how to affect the citizens with respect to their demographic, socio-economic and psychological characteristics to raise preparedness on a higher level. As such, it does not give a complete answer to all current issues on preparedness of citizens to respond, but it certainly can contribute in creating a more complete picture of it. Although they made huge efforts to shed light on most concerns in comprehensive approach, we can say that a large number of questions remain to be further investigated. The research results can contribute to improving citizens' preparedness to respond to such events. The research results can be used when creating a strategy for improving the level of preparedness of citizens to respond. As such, they represent guidelines for all future research on preparedness for response, bearing in mind the true wealth of information set out in his doctoral dissertation.

Key words: security, natural disasters, floods, preparedness for response, perception, knowledge, supplies, demographic characteristics, socio-economic characteristics, psychological characteristics, citizens, Serbia.