Showing posts with label emergency situations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label emergency situations. Show all posts

Saturday, March 28, 2015


Experience has shown that access to high-quality educational programs about natural disasters is of crucial importance in protecting children and their families. It was also noted that instead of considering children and women as the most vulnerable categories (victims), they can be recognized as contributors to the recovery of community assuming that they have acquired a solid knowledge on natural disasters and elimination of their consequences. Education about risk of natural disasters can be represented through special programs or through the implementation into basic curriculum. Furthermore, such education can be realized through curricular and extra-curricular activities (such as, for example, various workshops, games, etc.). Although the education of young people for the protection of life, health and the environment has its roots in the family and pre-school education, the school is irreplaceable in achieving this goal. The school is obliged to develop the knowledge, awareness and habits that prevent dangers, in fact, in its basic function it has the task to enable human, on the one hand, to rule over nature, and on the other, protection against hazards that may befall them and against his human ,, nature“  itself. It is important to have awareness that we ,, cannot escape" from danger, they can only be prevented ,that is, consequences can be prevented  by knowledge, awareness and education to automatism of habits. In addition, education for active and passive protection of self and others, physical integrity or natural properties and the environment, while creating habits and feelings of responsibility, truthfulness, humanity, justice, modesty is subject of educational influence of school education. The main findings are: respondents showed a high level of knowledge about natural disasters, however, the level is the highest in natural disasters that are present in our region; the best knowledge on safety procedures is in relation to droughts, because 98.6% of respondents indicate appropriate treatment. The lowest level of knowledge of safety procedures is registered in extreme temperatures and amounts 52.5%; of the total, 86.9% of respondents said that they had someone at school who talked about natural disasters, as opposed to 13.1% who responded negatively, 79.2% of respondents were introduced with some of the natural disaster by a family member, while 20.8% were not; 60.6% of respondents feel protected, 32.2.% are not sure and 6.9% do not feel protected in the facilities of the Academy when it comes to natural disasters; 26.4% feel the fear of natural disasters, 20.3% are not sure and 53.3% do not feel fear; 83.9% of respondents would like to undergo training, 8.9% are not sure and 7.2% do not want; the largest number of respondents gained information about natural disasters through television 92.8%, and the smallest number  through video-games 5.8%. The results indicate that there is a statistically significant correlation between: the father's education (p = 0,03≤0,05, phi = 0.30 - medium); mother's education (p = 0,04≤0,05, phi = 0.10 - small); employment of parents (p = 0,05≤0,05, phi = 0.30 - medium) and knowledge about natural disasters. Also, there is a statistically significant relationship between television and the perception of knowledge about natural disasters (p = 0,05≤0,05, phi = 0.21 - medium);

Za citiranje koristiti: Cvetković, V., Ivanov, A., & Sadiyeh, A. (2015). Knowledge and perceptions of students of the Academy of  criminalistic and police studies about natural disasters. Paper presented at the International scientific conference Archibald Reiss days, Belgrade.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Наступајућа годишња доба, подсећају нас да се запитамо шта је научено од последње катастрофе - поплаве која се догодила у мају 2014.године и шта је предузето да се спрече могуће потенцијалне природне катастрофе као што су очекиване падавине и поплаве, снежне падавине и сметови у зиму 2014. године.  Таква питања су пре свега упућена субјеткима и снагама заштите и спасавања који су одговорни за област заштите и спасавања.

1. Држава Србија

1.1.  Усвојила Националну стратегију у области заштите и спасавања, али није донела план за реализацију стратегије;

1.2. Донела закон о ванредним ситуацијама, али није донела потребна подзаконска акта;

1.3. Организовала сектор за ванредне ситуције за имплементацију и операционализацију ових докумената и прописа, а задржала систем самоуправљања, тако да инспектори за цивилну заштиту уместо да раде послове инспекције и надзора, они су референти у општинама на пословима ванредних ситуација;

2. Локална самоуправа

Формирале су штабове за ванредне ситуације и задовољиле се са тим,остале послове из области заштите и спасавања највероватније треба неко други да уради;

2.1. Највероватније огроман број преко 90% општина и градова у Србији нису урадиле Процену угрожености и ризика као претњу за грађане и материјална добра на територији своје локалне самоуправе;

2.2. Такође велики број општина и градова на основу поменуте процене није израдио потребне планове одбране од поплава и снежних пдавина,наноса и великих хладноћа;

2.3. Локалне самоуправе нису израдиле ни друге планове из области заштите и спасавања, а по обавезама из Закона о ванредним ситуацијама, тако да нам остаје да како рече један од одговорних за поплаве у мају господин Пузовић, Бог је крив и ником ништа, он оста жив, а грађани још нису почели у доста случаја да санирају оштећења од поплава;

3. Посебна привредна друштва задужена за управљање и одржавање речних токова и каналских мрежа, још нису ништа или је то незнатно урађено на санацији насипа и обала река и канала.Још стоје зечији насипи на обалама река и канала, али више нису у функцији јер су поцепани џакови и најлони који су спречавали плављење воде у мају. Ако буде потребно да се поново брани поплавни талас, постојећи џакови и песак само ће сметати;

4. Грађани и даље нису организовани у јединице цивилне заштите, које могу да се ангажују на спречавању или ублажавању евентуалне природне катастрофе, па остаје нада да ће по зна који пут, уместо јединица цивилне заштите људе и мареријална добра спасавати Премијер државе Србије, Војска Србије, жандармерија, полиција, ватрогасци и грађани добровољци, опет на молбу Премијера Републике Србије;

У  току поплава у мају 2014.године, више десетина лица изгубило је животе, а израчунато је да је штета директна или индиректна око 3. милијарде еура, мислим да се више превентивно радило и деловало, односно да је свако радио свој посао, штета би била  далеко мања, а људских жртава сигурно не би било оволико.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


In recent years, serious decisions are made at the local and international level on climate change and its impact on natural disasters, which are more numerous and more serious over the years. Exploring their mutual influences, scientists worldwide are mostly engaged in the issue of the link between the increase in average temperature of the earth and the frequency (intensity) of natural disasters, with a special emphasis on hydrologic and meteorological disasters. To be able to analyze such influence, it is needed a solid knowledge of climate changes and natural disasters, as it is well known that global warming does not affect equally all kinds of those disasters, taking into account the origin of their occurrence. However, it should be noted that natural disasters have always existed, and that climate changes can only affect the increase in their number, intensity and consequences that they cause to people and their material goods.
             Without going into multiply multidimensional various issues of climate change, it should be noted that climate changes are caused by emissions of different gases that directly or indirectly exacerbate the natural process by which infrared radiation is captured in the atmosphere, which causes heating the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere. It is a fact that speaks of the temperature increase of land, sea and air causes the disorder of certain natural processes, thereby contributing to the creation of more frequent floods, hurricanes, landslides and so on. Therefore, global warming that is characterized by increasing average temperatures on earth can be direct/indirect cause of the increase in severity (number and intensity) of natural disasters. In order to examine this possibility, it is important to examine the effects of elevated temperatures of land, sea and air on the processes that contribute to the above-mentioned increase in severity of natural disasters. Besides the increase in the average temperature of the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, which are direct consequences of climate changes, it is important to analyze its indirect effects as well, such as increasing the level of the oceans and seas affected by the rapid melting of large glaciers in Antarctica and Greenland. The aforementioned process also affects the natural disasters, but in different ways than the direct effects of climate change.
      A large number of research studies worldwide have identified and demonstrated the interconnectedness of global warming and natural disasters using different statistical models. For example, if we start from the fact that the strength of hurricanes is based on heat of the oceans and seas, which is later transformed in mechanical strength, it is easy to examine the relationship between changes in ocean temperature and hurricane strength over the past few years. Of course, it is necessary to bear in mind that the characteristics of a hurricane do not only depend on the water temperature, but also on other factors that we will not consider in the paper.
            Therefore, this paper will analyze the phenomenological structure of climate changes and natural disasters, for further consideration of the relevant facts about their interrelation. Namely, in order to link those two phenomena it should consider each separately. Therefore, the paper will consider the implications of climate changes on natural disasters with special reference to their impact on specific species, the intensity and the increase in their number.
The climate changes

Across the Earth, climate changes and its serious consequences are discussed on a daily basis. And what exactly are climate changes and what they represent, it is best explained by the process of warming the Earth. Namely, daily solar energy penetrates the atmosphere in the form of light waves. Part of this energy heats the Earth, and part in the form of infrared waves back into space. Normally, part of the infrared radiation usually is captured by the atmosphere allowing the temperature that stays on Earth is within acceptable limits. However, the problem we now face is that the thin layer of air layer became thicker due to the large amounts of carbon dioxide and other gases that cause the greenhouse effect. Having become thicker, now that layer retains a large amount of infrared radiation that would otherwise have left the atmosphere, causing the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans begin to rise.According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – EPA, climate changes are a significant changes in climatic conditions, such as temperature, precipitation or winds, which last for a decade or longer, and may result from: natural processes within the climate system (changes in ocean circulation), changes in the intensity of solar radiation, or human activities that affect the composition of the atmosphere (through the burning of fossil fuels) and the land surface (deforestation, urbanization, desertification).[1] In addition, unlike climate changes, term the „global warming“ represents the tropospheric temperature increase thus contributing to changes in global weather patterns that emerge due to increased emissions of so-called greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide and methane.[2
Climate changes represent a serious threat to the basic elements of life for people in the world, such as access to drinking water, food production, food and land use. They are multiple (from drought to floods) and multidimensional (local to global) risks that have short, medium and long-term aspects and unknown outcomes. The signatories to the UN Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol 1997 have accepted that climate changes carry many potential hazards, such as sea level rise, increased frequency of storms and floods, the spread of infectious diseases, decline in biodiversity and reducing the availability of food and water. These impacts are a threat to human life and sustainable development.

Za citiranje koristiti: Cvetković, V. (2014). The impacts of climate changes on the risk of natural disasters. Skopje: International yearbook of the Faculty of security (51-60).

[1] Dimitrijević, D.: Trendovi ekološke bezbednosti u XXI veku. Univerzitet u Beogradu: Fakultet bezbednosti, 2010. godine.
[2] Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Enviromental Protection Agency: Nanotechnology White Paper, Washington, 2007.