Monday, December 10, 2018

International journal of disaster risk management (IJDRM)

The International Journal of Disaster Risk Management is a peer-reviewed (twice a year) journal that serves all aspects of disaster studies, policy, and management. It provides a platform for academics, policymakers and practitioners to publish high-quality research and practice concerning natural disasters, anthropogenic disasters, complex political emergencies and crises around the world. The journal crosses and affects interdisciplinary boundaries to promote communication, collaboration and teamwork between professions and disciplines to avoid (prevention) or to limit (mitigation and preparedness) the adverse impacts of hazards, within the broad context of sustainable development. The journal encourages to the interchange of ideas and experience, to decrease the risk of disasters and build community resilience within the context of sustainable development and planetary boundaries.
The journal will cover all aspects of disaster risk management from a global perspective, including but not limited to: 
  • Disaster and crisis management theory and practice,
  • Risk awareness and assessment,
  • Hazard and vulnerability analysis,
  • Knowledge development including education, training, research and information on disasters,
  • Public commitment and institutional frameworks, including organizational, policy, legislation and community action,
  • Disaster prevention, mitigation, response, recovery planning, policies, and implementation,
  • Promotes the interchange of ideas between practitioners, policy-makers and academics.

Submission process

Authors are kindly invited to submit their formatted full papers. All paper submissions will be blind peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, research content, correctness, relevance to conference and readability. Please read complete submission and formatting guidelines before submitting your paper.
You can submit your paper via email -
Assist. Prof. Vladimir M. Cvetković, PhD,
Disaster Risk Management; 
The University of Belgrade Faculty of Security Studies, Gospodara Vučića 50, Belgrade, Serbia Founder and Principal of Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management, Belgrade, 
Journal Website -

Monday, December 3, 2018

The Role of Gender in Preparedness and Response Behaviors towards Flood Risk in Serbia

Adverse outcomes from 2014 flooding in Serbia indicated problematic response phase management accentuated by a gender imbalance. For this reason, we investigated the risk perceptions and preparedness of women and men regarding these types of events in Serbia. Face-to-face interviews, administered to 2500 participants, were conducted across 19 of 191 municipalities. In light of the current findings, men seemed to be more confident in their abilities to cope with flooding, perceiving greater individual and household preparedness. By contrast, women displayed a deeper understanding about these events. Perhaps owing to a deeper level of understanding, women demonstrated more household-caring attitudes and behaviors and were more prone to report a willingness to help flood victims at reception centers. Emergency management agencies and land planners should account for these differences in gender awareness and preparedness. Based on these findings, doing so may increase citizen participation and shared responsibility under flood hazard scenarios.

Keywords: flood risk; perception; preparedness; gender; Serbia

Cvetković, V.M.; Roder, G.; Öcal, A.; Tarolli, P.; Dragićević, S. The Role of Gender in Preparedness and Response Behaviors towards Flood Risk in Serbia. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 201815, 2761.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Zbirka propisa iz oblasti upravljanja rizicima od katastrofa - Collection of regulations in the area of disaster risk management

Zbirka propisa se može naručiti preko imejla

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Problems of inhabitants of Muktagacha Town in Mymensingh District in terms of urban services important for security in natural disasters

The term urbanization normally connotes a trend in increasing proportion of the national population living in urban centers (towns & cities), as well as an increase in the number of urban centers over a period of time. Thus, it means population shift from rural to urban areas and the ways in which a society adapts to the change. It generally results in the physical growth of urban areas. It is predicted that by 2050 about 64% of the developing world and 86% of the developed world would be urbanized. An urban area can refer to towns, cities, and suburbs. An urban area includes the city itself, as well as the surrounding areas. Many urban areas are called metropolitan areas. In short, it is a geographical area constituting a city or town, where various urban services like electricity, gas, water supply, health facilities are available. Urban services are necessary transition in provision of facilities provided by urban areas. Generally, it is the responsibility of each country to provide urban facilities to its inhabitants. This study focuses on urban services that people of Muktagachha town in Mymensingh District have enjoyed and the major problems they face while getting urban services, as well. Since Muktagachha town is very close to Mymensingh Sadar the trend of urbanization is increasing here. In fact, it is a well – developed upazila of Mymensingh District. The supply of urban services in this upazillais continuously increasing and the quality of these services tries to increase as stated by the upazilla mayor. However, inhabitants still face various problems in getting urban services. This research is going to discuss what types of problems the inhabitants face and what steps can be taken by the pouro authority to improve the quality of urban services.

Sultana, O., Cvetković, V., & Kutub, J. (2017). Problems of inhabitants of Muktagacha town in Mymenssingh district in terms of urban services important for security in natural disaster. Vojno delo, 70(1), 112-155.

Prepreke unapređenju spremnosti za reagovanje u prirodnim katastrofama - Barriers to improvement preparedness for responding to natural disasters

U radu koji predstavlja kvantitativno istraživanje izneti su rezultati ispitivanja koji se odnose na prepreke unapređenju mera spremnosti za reagovanje u prirodnim katastrofama. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u toku 2015. godine u 19 lokalnih zajednica u Srbiji. Tom prilikom, primenom strategije ispitivanja u domaćinstvima i višeetapnim slučajnim uzorkovanjem, anketirano je 2500 građana. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da 20,5% ispitanika misli da će im interventno-spasilačke službe pomoći, pa im mere spremnosti za reagovanje nisuni potrebne; 31,7% ispitanika ne smatra da su ugroženi ili da je njihovo domaćinstvo ugroženo od posledica katastrofa; 20,9% ispitanika ističe da nema vremena za to; 23,1% ispitanika misli da je preduzimanje tih mera veoma skupo; 19,4% smatra da nije sposobno za tako nešto; 22,8% ističe da nema podršku lokalne zajednice; 27% ističe da ne mogu sprečiti posledice prirodnih katastrofa ni na koji način. Rezultati inferencijalne statistike uticaja pola, roditeljstva, zaposlenosti, invaliditeta, prethodnog iskustva i vojne obaveze pokazuju raznovrsne rezultate u pogledu njihove statističke povezanosti sa preprekama koje se odnose na spremnost za reagovanje.. Značaj sprovedenog istraživanja ogleda se u unapređenju teorijskog i empirijskog fonda znanja o faktorima koji utiču na nizak nivo spremnosti građana za reagovanje u prirodnim katastrofama. Rezultati istraživanja mogu biti iskorišćeni kao polazna osnova u koncipiranju modela unapređenja spremnosti građana za reagovanje u prirodnim katastrofama. Ključne reči: bezbednost, prirodne katastrofe, barijere, reagovanje, pol, roditeljstvo, zaposlenost, invaliditet, prethodno iskustvo, vojna obaveza. This paper presents the quantitative research results of the barrier improvement measures of preparedness to respond to natural disasters. The survey was conducted in 2015 in 19 local communities in Serbia. On that occasion, using a testing strategy for households and multistage random sampling of 2,500 persons were interviewed. Survey results show that 20.5% of respondents thought that his first responders already help him, such measures are not necessary; 31.7% of respondents thinks that himself or his household is not vulnerable from the consequences; 20.9% of respondents said that there is no time for that; 23.1% of respondents think that it is taking these measures very expensive; 19.4% think that it is not capable of such a thing; 22.8% declare that there is no support from the local community; 27% points out that it can not prevent the effects do not in any way. The results of inferential statistics, the influence of sex, parenting, employment, disability, previous experience and military obligations variety show results in terms of their statistical association with barriers readiness. The significance of the research is reflected in the improvement of theoretical and empirical stock of knowledge about the factors responsible for the low level of citizens' readiness to respond to natural disasters. The research results can be used as a starting point in designing a model to improve the readiness of citizens to respond to natural disasters. Keywords: security, natural disasters, barriers, response, sex, parenting, employment, disability, previous experience, military service.

Cvetković, V. (2017). Prepreke unapređenju spremnosti građana za reagovanje u prirodnim katastrofama. Vojno delo, 69(2), 132-150.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Krizne situacije – pripremljenost države, lokalne zajednice i građana - Crisis situations - preparedness of state, local communities and citizens

У раду су изнети резултати квантитативног истраживања перцепције спремности органа државне управе и јединица локалне самоуправе, домаћинства и грађана за реаговање у кризним ситуацијама изазваним поплавама у Републици Србији. Полазећи од теорије спремности као оквира за објашњење начина на који се заједница мења у погледу спровођења одређених превентивних мера испитује се утицај одређених демографских, социо-економских и психолошких карактеристика грађана на њихову перцепцију спремности наведених субјеката система заштите и спасавања. Циљ квантитативног истраживања представља научна експликација утицаја наведених фактора на перцепцију спремности. У истраживању спроведеном у 19 локалних заједница у Србији применом стратегије испитивања у домаћинствима, вишеетапним случајним узорковањем анкетирано је 2500 грађана у току 2015. године. Резултати истраживања указују да је оцена спремности за реаговање највиша је код домаћинства (М = 3,03), а најнижа код органа јединица локалне самоуправе (М = 2,86). Утврђена је статистички значајна повезаност пола, година старости, висине прихода и претходног искуства са перцепцијом спремности домаћинства. Са друге стране, на перцепцију спремности државних органа статистички значајно утичу године старости, статус запослености, висина прихода и претходно искуство. Посебно је значајно споменути да страх испитаника од кризних ситуација не утиче на перцепцију спремности за реаговање. Полазећи од емпиријски неиспитаног стања перцепције спремности система заштите и спасавања за реаговање рад поседује високи научни и друштвени значај. При томе, резултати истраживања могу бити искоришћени за унапређење спремности таквог система. Кључне речи: безбедност, кризне ситуације, спремност, систем, државни органи, локалне самоуправе, домаћинства, грађани, Србија, квантитативно истраживање. Resume The paper presents the results of the quantitative research of perception of preparedness state administration and local governments, households and citizens to respond in disasters caused by floods in the Republic of Serbia. Starting from the theory of preparedness as a framework for explanation of how the community is changing in terms of implementing specific preventive measures, authors examined the effects of demographic, socio-economic and psychological characteristics of citizens on their perception preparedness of subjects protection and rescue system. The objective of quantitative research is scientific explication impact of those factors on perception of the preparedness of subjects. In a survey conducted in 19 local communities in Serbia using a testing strategy in households, multistage random sampling of 2,500 persons were interviewed in the course of 2015. The research results indicate that the assessment of readiness to respond highest among households (M = 3.03), and lowest in the bodies of local self-government (M = 2.86). There was a statistically significant correlation between sex, age, income level, and previous experience with the perception of the willingness of the household. The evaluation of individual readiness and willingness of households is higher in men than in women. Citizens aged 18 to 28 years recorded the highest level of readiness assessments household response, unlike citizens from 28 to 38 years who have recorded the highest level of readiness assessment bodies of local self-government. Employees citizens largely emphasize that the authorities are ready to respond. Individuals with incomes over 90,000 dinars recorded the highest level of readiness assessments household. Assessment of preparedness of state bodies and bodies of local self-government is the highest among the citizens with the amount of income to 50,000. Citizens who have had previous experience with floods, compared to those who did not have such experiences, there was a higher level: the assessment of individual readiness, willingness bodies of local self-government and state authorities to respond to natural disasters caused by flooding. On the other hand, the perception of the readiness of state bodies significantly affected by age, employment status, income, and previous experience. It is especially important to note that the respondents fear of a crisis situation does not affect the perception of readiness to respond. Starting from the empirical perception of the state of readiness of the unexamined system of protection and rescue response work possesses high scientific and social significance. In doing so, the results of research could be used to improve the readiness of such a system. Keywords: sеcurity, crisis situations, preparedness, system, state authorities, local governments, households, citizens of Serbia, quantitative research.

Cvetković, V. (2017). Krizne situacije – pripremljenost države, lokalne zajednice i građana. Vojno delo, 69(7), 122-136.

Ispitivanje stavova učenika o uvodjenju nastavnog predmeta bezbednosna kultura u srednjim školama - Examination of students' attitudes about the introduction of a course “safety culture” in secondary schools

Предмет квантитативног истраживања представља испитивање ставова ученика о увођењу наставног предмета ,,безбедносна култура“ у наставни план и програм за средњу школу. Поред тога, анализирају се и утицаји одређених каратеристика ученика на њихове позитивне или негативне ставове за увођење споменутог предмета. Вишеетапним случајним узорковањем, из укупне популације ученика средњих школа у Београду, обухваћен је узорак величине 3063 ученика из 14 средњих школа. Према добијеним резултатима, у највећој мери, ученици нису сигурни да ли су за увођење предмета (47,8%). Са друге стране, 26,2% ученика је одговорило да је за увођење предмета, док је 24,7% дало негативан одговор. Такође, у раду је утврђено је да на ставове испитаника о увођењу предмета статистички значајно утичу пол, године старости, запосленост родитеља, образовање оца и мајке, разред. Резултати истраживања могу бити искоришћени од стране доносиоца одлука приликом конципирања стратегија и програма увођења наставног предмета безбедносна култура у наставни план и програм за средњу школу у циљу и смањења ризика од катастрофа. Кључне речи: безбедност, катастрофе, ученици, ставови, истраживање ------ The subject of quantitative research is to examine students' attitudes about the introduction of a course “safety culture” into a curriculum for secondary school. In addition, the impacts of certain characteristics of students are analyzed on their positive or negative attitudes about the introduction of the course. From the total population of secondary school students in Belgrade, multiple-point random sampling included a sample of 3063 students from 14 secondary schools. Based on the results, the students are mostly not sure if they have positive attitude towards the introduction of the course (47.8%). On the other hand, 26.2% of students answered that they vote for the introduction of the course, while 24.7% gave a negative answer. Also, it has been found that the attitudes of respondents on the introduction of the course are statistically significantly influenced by gender, age, parental employment, education of father and mother, grade. The research results can be used by the decision-makers when designing strategies and programs for the introduction of the course “safety culture” into a curriculum for secondary school in order to reduce disaster risks. Key words: safety, disasters, students, attitudes, research

Cvetković, V., & Filipović, M. (2018). Ispitivanje stavova učenika o uvodjenju nastavnog predmeta bezbednosna kultura u srednjim školama - Examination of students' attitudes about the introduction of a course “safety culture” in secondary schools. Kultura polisa, 15(35), 277-286.'_attitudes_about_the_introduction_of_a_course_safety_culture_in_secondary_sc

Ispitivanje percepcije rizika o požarima u stambenim objektima: demografski i socio-ekonomski faktori uticaja - Examination of the fire risk perception in residential buildings: the impact of demographic and socio-economic factors

Požari su oduvek predstavljali ozbiljan izvor ugrožavanja bezbednosti ljudi i njihove imovine. Pored preduzimanja svih preventivno-tehničkih mera i radnji, potrebno je i unaprediti bezbednosnu kulturu ljudi. Iz tih razloga, autori u radu iznose rezultate kvantitativnog istraživanja percepcije građana o požarima u stambenim objektima na području grada Beograda. Cilj istraživanja predstavlja naučna eksplikacija uticaja demografskih i socio-ekonomskih karakteristika građana na nivo percepcije rizika o požarima. Višeetapnim slučajnim uzorkovanjem, anketirano je 322 ispitanika u periodu od početka do kraja jula 2017. godine. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je nivo percepcije verovatnoće nastanka požara najniži za period od godinu dana (M=2.12), zatim za period od pet godina (M=2.26), a najviši za period od 10 godina (M=2.35). Ocena individualne pripremljenosti iznosi M=2.77, zatim lokalne zajednice M=2.79 i na kraju države M=3.42. Kada je reč o posledicama, najviše ispitanika ističe da bi im požar mogao prouzrokovati materijalne posledice (M=2.77), zatim povrede (M=2.49) i na kraju gubitak života (2.00) itd. Polazeći od dobijenih rezultata, potrebno je koncipirati strategije i kampanje usmerene ka podizanju nivo pripremljenosti građana za reagovanje u takvim situacijama. Ključne reči: bezbednost, požari, građani, percepcija rizika, stambeni objekti.

Cvetković, V., & Filipović, M. (2018). Ispitivanje percepcije rizika o požarima u stambenim objektima: demografski i socio-ekonomski faktori uticaja - Examination of the fire risk perception in residential buildings: the impact of demographic and socio-economic factors. Vojno delo, 70(5), 82-98.

Baze podataka o rizicima i informacioni servisi podrške odlučivanju u vanrednim situacijama - Risk database and management support information services for emergencies

Природне и антропогене ванредне ситуације представљају најозбиљнији сценарио угрожавања безбедности који условљава употребу најсавременијих информационих сервиса као и коришћење свих расположивих база података о ризицима. У том смислу, управљање ризицима у ванредним ситуацијама је данас незамисливо без употребе различитих онлајн доступних сервиса који омогућавају доносиоцима одлука који учествују у том процесу да у кратком временском периоду сагледају све могућности које им стоје на располагању. Предмет рада представља идентификација, анализа и опис најзначајнијих карактеристика информационих сервиса (Copernicus emergency management servise, geographic information system) и отворених база података о ризицима (Global Risk Data Platform, Pacific Catastrophe Risk Assessment, Natural Disaster Hotspots, Global Hazard Atlas) који су неопходни за ефикасно управљање ризицима у ванредним ситуацијама. Резултати прегледног рада могу бити искоришћени за унапређење знања особља интервентно-спасилачких служби о расположивим могућностима употребе информационих сервиса и база података.Natural and anthropogenic emergencies represent the most serious scenario of compromising security, which conditions the use of state-of-the-art information services as well as the use of all available risk databases. In this regard, the risk management during emergiencies is unthinkable today without the use of various online services that enable decision-makers involved in the process to look at all the options at their disposal in a short period of time. The subject of the paper is the identification, analysis and description of the most important characteristics of information services (Copernicus emergency management services, a geographic information system) and open databases on risks (Global Risk Data Platform, Pacific Catastrophe Risk Assessment, Natural Disaster Hotspots, Global Hazard Atlas) for effective risk management in emergencies. The results of the review work can be used to improve the knowledge of first responders about the available possibilities of using information services and databases.

Cvetković, V. (2018). Baze podataka o rizicima i informacioni servisi podrške odlučivanju u vanrednim situacijama - Risk database and management support information services for emergencies.

Childrens and youths’ knowledge on forest fires: Discrepancies between basic perceptions and reality - Znanje dece i mladih o šumskim požarima: neusklađenost između osnovne percepcije i stvarnosti

Forests have a vital role for all living things. Children’s understanding of forest phenomena is important knowledge for various sectors as educators, policy makers, environmentalist, etc. In this study, factors that affect knowledge and perception of forest fires of students, aged 10 to 19, in the city of Belgrade were examined. The research was conducted between October 20, 2013, and February 03, 2014. The authors used a method of surveying students in order to identify and describe the factors affecting their knowledge about forest fires. A total of 3,548 students from 18 schools in Belgrade participated in the survey. The results of the research showed that there is a discrepancy between perceptions and reality, what students think they know and what they actually know, and in very basic terms. This set of findings in combination with other findings on moderators replicates previous research on the need for educational programs to ensure there is a match between youth’s confidence about what they know about hazards and their actual knowledge levels. Mismatches between the two could well have serious consequences in disaster risk reduction terms. Given basic knowledge gaps here, this translates into educational programming that then needs to take account for this basic discrepancy to ensure, even from early ages, consistency between “knowledge and coping confidence” and actual knowledge and ability to cope and respond.

Cvetković, V., Giulia, R., Ocal, A., Filipović, M., Janković, B., & Eric, N. (2018). Childrens and youths’ knowledge on forest fires: Discrepancies between basic perceptions and reality. Vojno delo, 70(1), 171-185.

Teorijski okvir istraživanja u oblasti katastrofa - Theoretical framework of research in the field of disasters

Polazeći od negativnog uticaja katastrofa na društvene sisteme u poslednjoj deceniji višestruko je povećan broj naučnih istraživanja iz oblasti katastrofa. Pri tome, interdisciplinarnost sprovođenja istraživanja uslovljava primenu teorijskih okvira različitih naučnih disciplina kao što su sociologija, psihologija, geografija itd. Pregledom literature iz oblasti katastrofa, utvrđeno je da istraživači koriste raznovrsne teorijske okvire, kao što su teorija racionalnog izbora, ugroženosti, otpornosti, planiranog ponašanja, simboličkog interakcionizma, pripremljenosti, odlučivanja, sistema, motivaciona zaštitna teorija itd. Polazeći od postojanja većeg broja relevantnih teorijskih okvira za realizaciju istraživanja iz oblasti katastrofa, autori u radu najpre identifikuju i sistematizuju, a zatim analiziraju i opisuju teorijske okvire i mogućnosti njihove primene u konkretnim istraživanjima iz oblasti katastrofa. 

Starting from the negative impact of disasters on social systems, over the last decade, the number of scientific disaster research has been multiplied. Thereby, the interdisciplinary nature of the research implies the application of theoretical frameworks of various scientific disciplines such as sociology, psychology, geography, etc. A review of literature on disasters showed that researchers use a variety of theoretical frameworks, such as the theory of rational choice, vulnerability, resistance, planned behavior, symbolic interactionism, preparedness, decision-making, systems, motivational protection theory, etc. Starting from the existence of a number of relevant theoretical frameworks for research on disasters, the authors first identify and systematize, and then analyze and describe the theoretical frameworks and the possibilities of their application in concrete studies on disasters.

Cvetković, V., Filipović, M., & Gačić, J. (2018). Teorijski okvir istraživanja u oblasti katastrofa - Theoretical framework of research in the field of disasters. Ecologica, 91.

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- да развију неодстатке у заједничке нове стратегије за побољшање заштите од поплава у будућности
Заједница стручних тимова у дунавској области
DAREnet ће изградити динамичну мултидисциплинарну заједницу стручних тимова, који ће радити у склопу организација цивилне заштите. Овај склоп организација биће подржан од великог броја сарадника из области политике, индустрије и истраживања. Заједно, изградиће се интердисциплинарни екосистем са циљем развоја синергије, иновације и њиховог усвајање широм дунавског подручја.
Повезивање мрежа националих стручних тимова
DAREnet ће бити организован као мрежа националних мрежа стручних тимова, под вођством DAREnet Националних Контаката (ДНК), одговорних за укључивање националних заједница у регионалну DAREnet заједницу. Придружите се вашој локалној DAREnet заједници сада!
Стратегије иновације за побољшање регионалне одбране од поплава
DAREnet ће давати годишње смернице у којима ће бити наглашене најважније иновативне могућности за суочавање са главним природним и друштвеним изазовима у регији. DAREnet смернице ће створити основу за конкретне иницијативе у оквиру иновације, почевши од стручних тимова, стварајући јединствен портфолио заједничких концепата иновације за цело подручје Дунава. Смернице и иницијативе биће проактивно представљене националним и европским надлежним органима ради подршке будућим иновативним стратегијама у региону.
Развој организованог дијалога међу стручним тимовима у циљу јачања одбране од поплава путем интердисциплинарне сарадње
Побољшање капацитета иновација и увођење нових знања путем стварања заједница за иновацију, на међународном и интердисциплинарном нивоу
Подржавање увођења конкретних иницијатива за иновацију и будућу сарадњу, и припремање терена за политичке иновације
Допринесите DAREnet-овој online банци података и помозите нам да одредимо заједничке приоритете и иницијативе за превенцију, спремност, интервенцију и опоравак. Овај приступ ће усмерити и усресредити истраживање нових корисних иновација које користе стручни тимови. Ви сте DAREnet-ов главни извор информација за иновације.
Придружите се DAREnet Заједници!
DAREnet организује мултидисциплинарну заједницу стручних тимова, употпуњену сарадњом са надлежним органима, истраживачима и индустријом. Повежите се са локалним и међународним сарадницима у борби против поплава и искористите предност широког спектра искустава, знања и технологија који нуде најзначајнија и најефективнија решења за стручне тимове.
Видео DAREnet пројекта је посвећен свим стручним тимовима за одбрану од поплава. Овим путем, DAREnet вас позива да нам се придружите и заједно са нама активно допринесете развоју и иновацији заштите од поплава!

Zbirka propisa iz oblasti upravljanja rizicima od katastrofa - Collection of regulations in the area of disaster risk management

Upravljanje rizicima od prirodnih i antropogenih katastrofa predstavlja sistematski i multi-sektorski pristup čije korišćenje omogućava sprečavanje novih i smanjenje postojećih rizika. Jačanje državnih mehanizama smanjenja rizika od katastrofa je nezamislivo bez donošenja i usvajanja većeg broja strateških, zakonskih i podzakonskih propisa koji direktno ili indirektno uređuju spomenutu oblast. Potreba za usredsređenim delovanjem država na planu smanjenja rizika od katastrofa, prema Sendai okviru za smanjenje rizika od katastrofa, zahteva razumevanje rizika od katastrofa; jačanje sistema upravljanja rizicima od katastrofa u cilju upravljanja rizicima; ulaganje u smanjenje rizika od katastrofa u cilju jačanja otpornosti; unapređenje spremnosti za delotvorno reagovanje u slučaju katastrofa i izgradnja boljeg sistema od onog pre katastrofe u toku obnove, sanacije i rekonstrukcije. Rukovodioci i pripadnici subjekata i snaga sistema zaštite i spasavanja u Republici Srbiji imaju obavezu da poznaju i primenjuju propise koji se direktno/indirektno odnose na oblast katastrofa u cilju realizacije pravovremenih, stručnih i zakonski utemeljenih aktivnosti sprovođenja pripreme, ublažavanja, odgovora i oporavka od posledica katastrofa. Rukovodeći se time, u izdanju Naučno-stručnog društva za upravljanje rizicima u vanrednim situacijama odštampana je prva sveobuhvatna ,,Zbirka propisa iz oblasti upravljanja rizicima od katastrofa“ u Republici Srbiji. Polazeći od višegodišnjeg iskustva autora u naučno-istraživačkom radu, nakon detaljnih analiza odabrani su svi postojeći i relevantni strateški, zakonski i podzakonski propisi na osnovu kojih se zasniva sistem zaštite i spasavanja ljudi i njihove imovine za vreme katastrofa na području Republike Srbije. Pored nacionalnih zakonskih i podzakonih rešenja, zbirka propisa sadrži i najznačajnije međunarodne akte koji uređuju oblast upravljanja rizicima od katastrofa. Zbirka propisa namenjena je za polaganje stručnog ispita iz oblasti procene rizika predviđenog Pravilnikom o programu, načinu i troškovima polaganja stručnog ispita, postupku izdavanja i izgledu licence za procenu rizika. Pored toga, namenjena je i za polaganje stručnog ispita zaštite od požara predviđenog Pravilnikom o posebnoj obuci i polaganju stručnog ispita iz oblasti zaštite od požara. Takođe, namenjena je i svim pripadnicima interventno-spasilačkih službi (sektor za vanredne situacije, policija, vojska, služba hitne medicinske pomoći, gorska služba za spasavanje, jedinice civilne zaštite opšte i posebne namene, dobrovoljna vatrogasna društva) koji se u svom radu susreću sa reagovanjem u uslovima katastrofa, ali i zaposlenima u organima državne uprave, autonomne pokrajine i jedinica lokalne samouprave na poslovima koji se odnose na upravljanje rizicima od katastrofa. I na kraju, zbirka je namenjena istraživačima iz oblasti studija katastrofa, kao i studentima Univerziteta u Beogradu, Fakulteta bezbednosti, Kriminalističko-policijskog univerziteta, Geografskog fakulteta i drugih srodnih institucija.

Zbirka propisa se može naručiti preko imejla

Cvetković, V., Filipović, M., & Gačić, J. (2019). Zbirka propisa iz oblasti upravljanja rizicima u vanrednim situacijama - Collection of regulations in the area of disaster risk management: Naučno-stručno društvo za upravljanje rizicima u oblasti vanrednih situacija - Scientific-professional society for disasaster risk management.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Household earthquake preparedness in Serbia: a study from selected municipalities

The paper presents the results of a qualitative research regarding the household earthquake and community-level preparedness in Serbia and its relationship with various demographic factors. A series of 1,018 face–to–face interviews were conducted at the beginning of 2017 in 8 Serbian municipalities. The results show generally unprepared population and lower percentages of reported enhanced preparedness levels. In addition to presenting findings, the study also considers future research directions, including using this study as a baseline for more in-depth examination and to assist in facilitating community-led programs and strategies in order to raise the level of security of citizens during earthquakes.

Figure 1: Study areas location with earthquake risk zones in Serbia and number of respondents.

For citations: Cvetković, V., Kevin, R., Shaw, R., Filipović, M., Mano, R., Gačić, J., & Jakovljević, V. (2018). Household earthquake preparedness in Serbia – a study from selected municipalities. Acta Geographica, In press. 

Monday, September 17, 2018

Public Risk Perspectives Regarding the Threat of Terrorism in Belgrade: Implications for Risk Management Decision-Making for Individuals, Communities and Public Authorities

Public Risk Perspectives Regarding the Threat of Terrorism in Belgrade: Implications for Risk Management Decision-Making for Individuals, Communities and Public Authorities

Vladimir M. Cvetković, Eric K. Noji, Marina Filipović, Marija Popović Mančević, Želimir Kešetović, Nenad Radović

Bearing in mind a long history of terrorist threats in Serbia, the aim of this paper is to determine the perceived risk of terrorist attacks and level of individual, communities and public authorities preparedness in Belgrade. The structured questionnaire about perceived risk of terrorist attacks and preparedness was developed using close-ended, multiple choice questions and 5-point Likert scales questions. This was coupled with a purpose-designed questionnaire related to demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the interviewees and their perception of the likelihood of terrorist attacks, preparedness and security, potential consequences, execution methods and place of the terrorist attacks. At different times of day, between June and September 2017, data were collected by means of a telephone survey using a random digit dialing procedure; 485 adult Serbian residents participated in the research with informed consent obtained from all respondents. Overall, the participants’ responses indicated a low level of likelihood of terrorist attacks taking place with a moderate perceived preparedness being in place. This was accompanied with the results of demographic and socioeconomic differences in terrorism risk perception. Based on findings that there are major differences in the public's perception of risks presented by terrorism threats, emergency management agencies should use these differences to enhance preparedness through the promotion of behavioral change and the improvement of risk management decision-making.

Keywords: terrorism, risk perception, threat, preparedness, decision-making, Belgrade.

Cvetković, V., Noji, E., Filipović, M., Marija, M. P., Želimir, K., & Nenad, R. (2018). Public Risk Perspectives Regarding the Threat of Terrorism in Belgrade: Implications for Risk Management Decision-Making for Individuals, Communities and Public Authorities. Journal of Criminal Investigation and Criminology/(4). 

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Ispitivanje uloge porodice u edukaciji dece o prirodnim katastrofama - The Role Of The Family In Reducing Risks Of Natural Disasters

Efikasno smanjenje rizika od prirodnih katastrofa moguće je sprovesti jedino kroz implementaciju integrisanog obrazovanja o prirodnim katastrofama u okviru porodice, škole i lokalne zajednice. Rukovodeći se time, predmet kvantitativnog istraživanja predstavlja ispitivanje stanja i faktora uticaja na edukaciju učenika o prirodnim katastrofama u okviru porodice. Pored toga, u radu se ispituje i nivo motivisanosti učenika za edukaciju u okviru porodice, ali i u okviru škole, kako bi se sveobuhvatnije sagledali njihovi stavovi u tom pogledu. U realizaciji istraživanja korišćen je višeetapni slučajni uzorak i u prvom koraku je korišćenjem liste svih osnovnih i srednjih škola u Beogradu na slučajan način odabrano njih 18. U drugom koraku, korišćenjem spiskova učionica
u kojima se održava nastava, izabrane su učionice i anketirani učenici koji su prisustvovali nastavi. Sa procentom odgovora od 98%, anketirano je 3.548 učenika u izabranim osnovnim i srednjim
školama. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je 70,7% učenika istaklo da je edukovano u okviru porodice, 57,4% bi želelo da bude edukovano o prirodnim katastrofama, 18% bi želelo da se edukuje
u okviru porodice, a 51,9% u okviru škole. Inferencijalne statističke analize pokazuju da na edukaciju u okviru porodice statistički značajno utiču pol, godine starosti, obrazovanje oca i majke, razred i prosek u školi. Naučni i društveni značaj istraživanja ogleda se u upostavljanju reprezentativne empirijske osnove koja može poslužiti donosiocima odluka prilikom uspostavljanja integrisanog
sistema smanjenja rizika od katastrofa kroz obrazovanje.

Ključne reči: bezbednost, katastrofe, edukacija, porodica, škola, istraživanje.

The role of social networks in disaster risk reduction - Uloga društvenih mreža u smanjenju rizika od katastrofa

Recently, the role of social networks in the disaster risk management process has become significantly important. This is largely due to a huge number of smartphones with installed applications (facebook, twitter, software) that allow their users to share information in the form of text, images and video. By analyzing and describing the multiple possibilities and significance of social networks in various stages of disaster risk management (before, during and after), the authors conducted a research of quantitative research tradition with the aim of examining the attitudes of the students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies and the Faculty of Security Studies University of Belgrade in terms of possibilities, reliability and motivation for the use of social networks in such situations. The obtained research results show a high degree of motivation of respondents for the use of social networks in situations immediately before, but also during and after the manifested consequences of disasters. Emphasizing the undeniable advantages of using social networks in disaster risk management, as well as the results of the research, decision makers could create certain programs to improve citizen security and reduce disaster risks by using  information platforms of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

Key words: disasters, social networks, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, attitudes.

Cvetković, V., Filipović, M., Dragićević, S., & Novković, I. (2018). The role of social networks in disaster risk reduction. Paper presented at the Eight International Scientific Conference “Archibald Reiss Days” October 2–3, 2018.

Citizens Attitudes about the Emergency Situations Caused by Epidemics in Serbia

Epidemics increasingly threaten the safety and health of people. As such, epidemics more and more begin to attract the attention of researchers in the field of emergencies who want to know them better. Natural disasters contribute to the spread of much serious food and water-borne diseases, primarily due to compromised or disrupted water and sewage systems (1). Poor hygiene can be a huge challenge immediately after a natural disaster, especially if the victims are displaced and/or find refuge in shelters (2). “Infectious diseases were detected in 85% of all patients, predominantly malaria, respiratory infectious diseases, and diarrhea” (3). The twentieth century in Europe remains remembered for the Spanish flu pandemic which caused more victims than World War I, while Serbia had the great epidemic of typhus during World War I in 1915 and the epidemic of smallpox in 1972, recorded as the largest post-war epidemic in Europe. Today, smallpox again represents a threat due to the vulnerability of the population (4). Starting from the impact of the epidemics on humans, the authors present the results of a quantitative survey of citizens' attitudes and influencing factors on emergencies caused by epidemics in Serbia. Thereby, the survey focused on the examination of knowledge of citizens about epidemics and the proper ways to respond; citizens’ preparedness for epidemics; and having a first aid kit. A series of 2500 face-to-face interviews were conducted during the whole of 2015 in 19 municipalities of Serbia. Verbal informed consent was taken from the participants before the study. These communities were chosen for their different demographic and social characteristics being a census-based representation of the whole population of Serbia. In the past, the right to education in emergency situations was not affirmed and recognized (5). Given the importance of citizens' knowledge about epidemics for improvement of their response in emergencies, respondents were asked the following questions: “Do you know what epidemics are and how to protect yourself against them? Of those surveyed, 43.1% of the respondents know what epidemics are and how to protect themselves against them, 26.6% were not sure and 24.7% did not know. Less than half of respondents know what epidemics are and how to protect themselves against epidemics. The results indicate a serious security problem, considering the knowledge as a prerequisite for an effective response in such situations. The results of Chi-square test of independence showed that there is a statistically significant correlation between knowledge about epidemics and how to protect against them with the following variables: gender, age, level of education, level of mother education, level of father education, marital status, parental status, fear of disaster, personal disability, employment status, income level of households, level of religiousness, previous experience, volunteering, military status regulated. On the other side, there is no such correlation with variable called living with a disability. There is a statistically significant correlation with all mentioned variables except volunteering and military status regulated. In higher percentage know what epidemics are and proper way to respond: women (47.8%), with university degrees (54%), who have finished high school with honors (59%), married (53.6%), who are parents (52%), who are not disabled (47%), employed (50.7%), who feel fear (50%), with previous experience (61.1%). Consequences of disaster are impossible to avoid. However, an adequate system of management can mitigate them. Preparation of citizens for disaster is influenced by a variety of social and individual factors. Thereby, these directly or indirectly affect the citizens to implement, take or develop preparedness measures for responding in such situations. Understanding their influence is an important step towards devising ways of raising the level of citizens’ preparedness. The mean of citizen preparedness for responding is 2.98 out of 5. Descriptive statistical analyses showed that 28.2% of respondents were unprepared to respond, 44% were not sure and 26.6% that they are prepared. A very small number of respondents said that they are prepared for responding to emergencies caused by epidemics. In higher percentage prepared respondents are: men (32.4%), with university degrees (29.4%), have completed high school with very good grades (27.2%), in relationships (32.7%), not parents (32%), take care of a disabled person (34%), without disabilities (26.7%), who feel fear (29%). The citizens also were asked if they have a first aid kit. Of all respondents, 47% have a first aid kit at home, 37.8% were not sure and 25.2% do not have. There is a statistically significant correlation with all mentioned variables except gender, level of father education, personal disability, and previous experience. In a higher percentage a first aid kit has respondents: university-educated (55.4%), finished secondary school with honors (56%), divorced (53.7%), parents (54%), employed (52%), respondents who feel fear (55%). Starting from the unexamined citizens’ attitudes toward epidemics in Serbia, the research has original scientific and social significance. Knowledge of citizens can be improved through educational television or radio shows which would inform citizens about possible epidemics. Starting from the presented research results, it is necessary to devise campaigns and programs aimed at improving the citizen's knowledge and preparedness for epidemics.

Cvetković, V., Ristanović, E., & Gačić, J. (2018). Citizens Attitudes about the Emergency Situations Caused by Epidemics in Serbia - Stavovi građana o vanrednim situacijama izazvanim epidemijama: studija slučaja Srbije. Iranian Journal of Public Health, 47(8), 1213-1214. 

Citizens education about floods: a Serbian case study

The aim of quantitative research is a scientific explication of the effects certain demographic, socio-economic and psychological citizens characteristics on citizens education in Serbia about floods. It is because of that that during the whole 2015 a series of 2,500 face-to-face interviews was conducted in 19 out of the 190 municipalities of the Republic of Serbia. The study population consisted of all adult residents of the local communities in which floods occurred, and the sample size complied with the geographical and demographic size of the community. Results of the descriptive statistical analysis showed 24.9% of respondents were educated about natural disasters at school, 40.2% in the family, 29.9% at work, 39.9% of respondents know where elderly, disabled and infants live, 14% noted that they knew the risks of floods, etc. The research findings indicated that there is a statistically significant correlation between the level of knowledge about natural disasters and sex, age, marital status levels of education, fear of disaster, previous experience and income level. On the other hand, education at school, within the family, at work is statistically significantly associated with age, the level of education, marital status and employment status. The awareness of where elderly, disabled and infants live was not statistically significantly related to sex, the level of education, marital status and previous experience. The research indicates how to raise the level of citizens’ knowledge starting from their demographic, socio-economic and psychological characteristics. The research originality lies in the uncharted impact of those factors on the citizens’ knowledge about natural disasters in Serbia. The results can be used for the design of strategies to improve citizens’ knowledge about the natural disasters caused by flooding.

Keywords: floods, citizens, education, factors, Serbia.

Cvetković, V., Tarolli, P., Roder, G., Ivanov, A., Ronan, K., Ocam, A., & Kutub, R. (2017). Citizens education about floods: a Serbian case study. Paper presented at the VII International scientific conference Archibald Reiss days


The consequences of the floods that inundated the territory of Serbia in 2014 indicated a high level of citizen unpreparedness to respond to the situation. Starting from this fact, the basic idea of this research is to examine the level and correlation of certain factors with the students' knowledge about floods as natural disasters. The aim of the research is a scientific explanation of the correlation between students' knowledge about floods and these factors. The research consisted of a survey conducted on a sample of 3,498 respondents who make up 8.96% of the students population. The respondents were students from 19 secondary schools, out of a total of 54 at the territory of 11 affected municipalities of the city of Belgrade. The research results suggest that flood related knowledge is influenced by the students’ gender, education and employment status of parents, education acquired in school and in the family, while the knowledge of safety procedures for responding to floods is influenced by fear, gender and the educational level of parents. These results can be used in creating educational programme strategies to enhancing preparedness for response.

Key words: natural disasters, floods preparedness, secondary schools, knowledge, Belgrade.

Последице поплава које су захватиле територију Србије током 2014. године указале су на висок ниво неспремности грађана за реаговање у насталој ситуацији. Руководећи се тиме, основна идеја овог истраживања је да се испитају ниво и повезаност одређених фактора са знањем ученика о поплавама као природним катастрофама. Циљ истраживања представља научна експликација повезаности знања ученика о поплавама и споменутих фактора. Истраживање је остварено методом анкетирања, на узорку од 3498 испитаника, који чине 8,96% популације. Испитаници су ученици 19 средњих школа од укупно 54, колико их има на територији 11  угрожених општина Града Београда. Резултати истраживања указују на то да на знање о поплавама утичу пол ученика, образованост и запосленост родитеља, едукација у школи и породици, док на познавање безбедносне процедуре за реаговање приликом поплава утичу страх, пол и образованост родитеља. Наведени резултати могу се искористити приликом стварања стратегија образовних програма, што би допринело унапређењу спремности за реаговање у условима природних катастрофа изазваних поплавама.

Кључне речи: природне катастрофе, поплаве, средње школе, перцепција, знање, Београд.

Cvetković, V., Lipovac, M., & Milojković, B. (2016). Knowledge of secondary school students in Belgrade as an element of flood preparedness. Journal for social sciences, TEME, 15(4), 1259-1273.